Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"But You Have Ray".....

 Being born  a female. Yes...... in my family that had been the hurdle I needed to overcome.
The anger I have needed  to unleash, the frustration that has burst through many tears. To be a female from birth and know the role of second class citizen. Only understanding at this age, as I awaken from this nightmare I have been immersed in..... to simply survive in an insane system.

Today, which started out with the best of intentions a birthday lunch for my mother turned into frustration, anger and lack of resolution as I left the restaurant. My heart is filled with so much sadness as the tears flow. Bitter long overdue tears. Beyonce plays in my ears on the headphones as my kids sit behind me in the family room  happily chatting watching TV and enjoying one another's company. My heart feels shredded in a million pieces. So  up the volume goes, I swig some water back, and dig in.  I am lost in the netherworlds of my past,  sitting here with the amazing life I have now created.

"You have Ray," I have heard so often as though it is a prize I have won at the Country Fair. This has not been a contest. This man is my love, my life.  He is in my life because my heart searched for him, from long, long ago. Even before I  even knew such goodness existed.  I held onto Fairy Tale Dreams, and just fumes of those at times. My tears flow because I have to believe that I deserve this goodness in my life just because......  I inhale and exhale. Because I have always believed  in love, always been a dreamer. Always wanted to be loved, and love in return. Today I could no longer hear the words of having my love  somehow has made every step I have taken easier to get where I have come. The rage that came out of me was bigger, stronger and more unwilling than I have ever felt before.

Having my love Raymond, and being who I am. Those are two separate things which I only realized today. I am so grateful to be loved, know love by such an amazing man. I am better, more, kinder because of him. More thoughtful, gentler.

But I am not me, Clare because of him as my mother has eluded for so long.... and again today.
I did that all by myself. No one built me,  I did from the ground up. I am finally taking ownership.
He has spectacularly loved me through some of my darkest nights, and cheered me on   my greatest victories. He knows and loves me .... as is.

I will no longer believe the words of weakness and fear I have heard over and over again, and as I did again today. Listening especially about men being taken care of, and women fending for themselves in our family. Poor, helpless men and mean old women.  Something burst in me at lunch, hearing how ridiculous these statements were. Especially to the girl who did fend for myself at 9, and then leaving home at 16. It was "better" that way.  No, I have paved my way and then some. For myself and others to walk on my back and shoulders. I have done it in complete and utter darkness, fear. Judgement. I still walked forward. I have no more patience. I have run out. For me not to understand what it is like to be in pain, fear, aloneness, oh yes because I have Ray, that all simply goes away. I forgot. I made my own path, and second class citizen no longer washes for me. My power is flowing into me. I am sorry my mother chose a man who lived life built on fear, and she in turn bought into this life. I am now my own hero. I am rescuing me. I love the idea that I have always had a partner.

This second class citizen biz that we grew up with as girls, watching power  being infused into our brothers ~ just because. It continues and how old are we? The six of us.... three boys, three girls. The pain continues in our hearts as females. It is a role I am stepping out of. Victim. My mother has continued to live helpless victim role to my father and the males in my family. I am now happy the females have had to make our own way. It made us stronger, sassier. Maybe a certain amount of dude chick, true. Maybe that sassy biz can be sexy..... hmmmm?

I need to soften, trust. Let go. Not have to be so  strong. My hubby would be more than happy to wear the pants in the family more often. I have been afraid to let go. It is not because I have wanted to be a dude chick. Abuse, pain, fear. I relinquish, as I identify. I do have Ray, I am eternally grateful to know such love.


  1. BRAVO dear Clare! and CHEERS for RAY!! The power of the old drama continues to fade and weaken and you my dear Clare shall continue to brighten and strengthen, all with love and understanding of SELF. GREAT going my friend! GREAT going!!

  2. Oh Rosie..... your words mean so much to me. Having you in my life has changed me, strengthened me. You going ahead of me and leading the way..... to have a guiding light in pitch black darkness.
    Your support, it has made all the difference. As you celebrate be....
    I celebrate us. Two girls who have made their way, through thick and thin..... against great odds~ because they wanted to. There was no going back, only forward. I celebrate you my sister. I love you so dearly...... and thank you, for loving me all the way through. XoX

  3. And so posted on your wall - "CLARE" - in loving tribute!!

  4. So this is what love from family feels like! XoX

  5. Wow, I am so moved by your words! You posted a comment on my blog a long time ago and I just saw it this morning. How strange the universe works at times... it was just now that I needed to see your words... they are so honest and authentic.
