Sunday, January 1, 2012

Venom Soup

 I wrote this July 28th 2003. I was just looking through my old writings this morning....
I was a very uplifting writer. That is a joke. It has taken me until now to write the way I do. I had a lot of demons and anger, hurt to unleash. So telling the truth is the only way I have known to get here. This is part of it, as I will put some of my old stuff out now. Only by accepting our past can we reclaim all of ourselves and become whole.  The point is not to accept this recipe from anyone.... ever.  I am sitting here very hesitant to put this out, because this is a big part of who I am, and what it has taken in my process to become me. It is dark, angry, hopeless. That was me. It has been many years  to let go, forgive heal. It takes time, patience and a lot of  courage to be who you are.

Venom Soup

Not for the light hearted this fare will fill you up and then some.The most important ingredient is the base. A thick murky brown water, toxins a plenty from the earths surface. Slush, rage, and a dash of despondency mixed nicely with a sword to the heart.

A heaping helping of natures toxic veggie. Shame coated in a nice garlic sauce accompanied with a zesty lemon zinger. Hatred.Stir ingredients over open wound until unbearable.Then turn up the heat until the heart is ready to explode in grief.Just when the desired medley comes to a  bubbling cauldron of fear, simmer til sadness and loathing forms creating a nice foamy soup.
Who wants seconds?

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