Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year

In a few  hours we will be headed into a New Year. 2012. I am sure I am not the only one who is ready to send this sucker off with a big bang. Adios, see ya....
Lessons learned, enough already, I am good thank you, really. But.... what has been fantastic in the very end of this year,  spending time with people. Really taking time I think in a way I have never done during Holidays. Slowing down, breathing, allowing.  Only when letting the old, funky things that no longer serve us out, can the new come in.  Taking that risk however big or small really doesn't matter. Sometimes I think the smaller ones are full of the magic we really allow ourselves  to notice. The big ones take time to digest, no hurry... layer by layer.

Raym and I are sitting here watching Twilight Zone as I hear Katie and her friends getting dolled up to hit the town. I must be getting old... that makes me tired thinking about the work it takes. I compromised and put a shawl on and perfume over my sweats, that's what being married along time will allow. Noel, Katie and Thalia just headed out. Our usual ok, don't care how much you drink designated driver speech.  And they are off.....  
   I am so grateful  for our kids, our life,  the rocky road we ride at times. It keeps us growing, strong,
 interested in each other.... ourselves.  This next year will be the year of letting others in to our little circle of life. It is time.

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