Friday, December 23, 2011

The Recipe of our Life

Sleep eludes me once again. My mind races, so this time I decide instead writing the story in my head
I came out into the living room and warm up next to the fire. The house is still except for the two cats curled up next to me. I have patience for them in this state. Maybe that is the metaphor to my life.... the big cat in me.

I can go for months and months with almost  a repulsion like feeling  not wanting to write. Then,
it would appear out of nowhere.... my cup runneth over. I am learning my process. Usually I am in the process of living deeply and I can only take so much. What got me  out of bed to write this : thinking about the tightrope,  the balancing act we must all take in life.With one decision  inevitably comes another. The compromises we make for ourselves, our wives, husbands, children, friends. The necessary blend to mix the  balanced relationship. The ingredients, the specifics  are different for everyone. Some like a thicker consistency in their recipe while, others  thin it out yet still  achieve the desired results. Still  another group throw out the cookbook all together and create their own invention. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

 I am the latter of  the cooks.  I learned the Italian way, feel how the recipe works.  I never really liked cook books unless it was for very specific baking ingredients. I like to add a little of this, a little of that and see where it takes me. I get bored easily, I am sure I have a very short attention span.  I like to do ten things at once... it invigorates me.Yet, I do realize the importance, the balancing act  of slowing down, being in the moment. I am understanding that more and more each day. The balancing act of what, and who is really important to me.
What keeps me invigorated, what takes my energy down... fast. The recipes of our own lives are so critical to understand.  They help us to flow through life so much more effortlessly.  Going against the current is so exhausting.  The recipe in my life I am looking at now:  A wonderful simmering crock pot
filled with the most delicious, comforting aromas .... and could appreciate. My family.
Looking at the past year of all the ingredients we have contributed to make the consistency so hearty,
nourishing, so welcoming. Intoxicating with their rich blend, melding together, wafting through the front door, welcoming us in to gather,  sharing our  combined efforts. I smile when I think about this one in particular. It has always been my absolute favorite.