Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Mount Charles

Patience is a virtue....  I think that is the number one thing I was put on this planet to work on. My darling hubby said he would get around to writing this story,  I do believe him in his Libran sort of way. He will think about it, weigh it, mull over it- ruminate. I however am a true Lioness,
Leo through and through. I think about it, and that's that. Let's do it NOW. That's pretty much how the average Leo rolls. We  don't let any grass grow green under our feet. Much to the detriment of ourselves many times- we are reactors.
Well, the Libra has spoken... and has joined in on this story, This is a collaboration and we are laughing as we retell this story of our lives together. First time collaboration on writing a story.

The "Mount Charles" has a lot of names that Ray came up with. It was originally  a Chevrolet Monte Carlo that I bought  at eighteen years old with the first hub.  I thought this was a very regal ride, after all, I was sporting a  blue Ford Pinto perched in the driveway.
Now with so many choices of cars, why a brown Monte Carlo at Hertz Rent A car you might ask yourself? I have no idea but perhaps I saw it on a commercial or thought it was super regal.
I wheeled out of that used Hertz Rent A Car place like I owned the road. I can't tell you how fancy I thought I was, all eighteen years old, Farrah Fawcett wanna -be- do and all.

That is how our story begins. Flash forward - selling it to my parents two years later, trading it in for a red 240Z and the single life. I was one happy gal pal. Flash forward once again  about  five years, married to my Raymond with two kids in tow.  One of our cars had broken down- blown engine, and we need another pronto. Enter The Monte Carlo, Mount Charles, Carlitos Way, as Raym had renamed the beast.
Out of desperation we bought it back from my parents. I was no longer eighteen, now twenty eight, how did that happen?  I am very hip to the fact that this car is very uncool. No way in hell I am driving this beast, I have a four year old and a new born that I am toting around in this ride. No way, Raym is doing this, I will drive the Subaru wagon.
Raym had started working in Culver City at a film Company, after always being self employed. This was twenty five years ago, and his first  step into the entertainment world  after working for Doug Trumbull, who had  originally started the company. This was Ray's first gig as an Art Director, so most things were new and he was winging it, feeling a bit out of his league. What was with this entertainment world?

One day as Ray was parking "The Carlito," at  work-  (by this time he had figured out to park it across the street in the Carwash Parking Lot, so no one would be the wiser) the headliner dropped even lower than usual on his head- dropping the beautiful fairy dust that it produced from above. If anyone has ever experienced a drooping headliner -this silt stuff falls out and doesn't stop getting all over your head and shoulders. It doesn't stop raining on you, especially in older cars.
Other drivers just see you with this veil of lining draped ever so gently all around your head and shoulders, like the warmest shawl.   It is a sight to behold.
 On this particular day the headliner decided to detach completely from the roof and do a super low rider on Ray. When he came back from lunch, however there was no more parking in the Car Wash across the street. What to do what to do?  "No one will notice if I park it in the corner,"  brave young Spencer thought. Later in the day a coworker said to Ray "Who drives that super ---- ---- car, a busboy?  "I don't know" he said, slinking away.  Later it was quitting time,  Ray usually beat feet out of there at a carefully scripted time..... before or after the rest of the crew to avoid being detected anywhere in the vicinity of the Mount Charles, let alone inside it,  especially  by the higher ups!
Unfortunately on this particular day the executives were chatty, (the president and VP's etc) decided to walk Ray out. What else could he do but fumble with his keys next to the closest BMW. That was like playing russian roulette, what if the beamer was one of theirs? All was well, they drove off.... and Ray shuffled over to "Carlito's Way." "I art directed this move " he thought triumphantly,smirking for sure at getting away with this accomplishment.
After leaving the parking lot, and driving round the corner, he stopped at a red light, looks over at the car next to him..... a shiny new Jaguar,  the carload of VP'S  he just left in the parking lot are just staring at him nodding and acknowledging his presence -  now the headliner is permanently draped over his head and shoulders- where did the BMW go?   The headliner foam was now raining, pouring down on him it's remaining contents. Staying the cool cat, he nods a friendly wave- turns bright red, slinks down and  drives off as the signal changes to green, acting cool but dying inside, as though this is an every day occurrence. Humility knows no bounds.

This makes me laugh thinking about him acting cool- I would have run out of the car screaming, explaining, laughing, I don't know.

We all start somewhere,  everyone has challenges with each stage of life.
We always will. I think it is about being able to laugh about them along the way.
Constant circle of reinventing ourselves-and just appreciating every step!

By the way the Company went bankrupt so who had the last laugh? Maybe the VP's are driving the Mount Charles now!

1 comment:

  1. I so relate to the headliner. My Dad gave me an Oldsmobile and it did the same. When I was really broke, it was a bit hard to have bearer cars...especially when I was Senior I had a cool Datsun Pick Up...then traded it when I was 20 for a Gran Price with T-Tops. I got laid off in 88..Huge pay cut..
    Now it's different. We have the Red Rocket. But I drive an 01 Accord that's showing signs of age. Funny thing is now...even with a bashed in door (I gave the insurance money to my son to fly home from China) I seldom really care. I know I could bust out for a new one...but a Harley is about the only thing that makes me lust for Things Shiney. Guess the point is when there was no way to have a decent bugged me. Now..I kind just think go ahead and laugh..I got Peeps who love me money or not....fat or skinny. The same goes for you all too.
    I would have wanted to ride in that car and hold the headliner for you. I just ripped mine boys played Tic Tac Toe on the foam backing, but that's another Story.
