Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Giant Stingrays

Okay, first of all, get it out of your pretty little head, we are not into oceanics.
The giant stingrays I am referring to- Schwinns, three wheelers, but at this point as you are reading this does it really matter. You know the kind you see in every weird town, where Ma and Pa Kettle , now three hundred years of age, is peddling. Carefree like the wind just cruising down Main Street USA.
Or, burnt out seventies meth addicts with long greasy hair, or some fifty nine year old on their 17th DUI  rapping on their cell about the date their going on. I don't know what it is about these giant stingrays.... three wheelers, ok  I 'fess up, Ray nicknamed them giant stingrays. But there is something about the people who ride them that amuses us to no end with every small town we round the bend into.
 When I visit Temple City, where I grew up- I can make a bet on the fact someone will be riding a giant stingray on Las Tunas. Why is that so funny to us. Not that the people on the bikes are funny, just that giant three wheeler, bat out of hell heading out the gates, getting ready for ---- and the engines are a go!!!!! And here comes this three wheeler. We get more mileage on every trip, every town just anticipating that ride. Who will be on it, what they will be doing, where they are going. Ray calls me "Huella Howser," because my fascination with such mundane things......
I would interview them and ask them why? Why are you riding that thing?  I really get the three hundred year old for balance- but that thing looks like an awful lot of work.  Yet, when you are talking about your date from the night before, and going to "Bob's" house after a night of partying.... I guess those things do have their place. I would decorate mine for every holiday, and myself. Hmmm, just got me thinking. That's pretty much all I have on the subject o' the giant stingray.

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