Friday, February 14, 2014

Easy Rider

It didn't take much to get me, my purple magenta Schwinn stingray, to become one with the road. Throw in an incentive and it was a done deal, especially in fourth or fifth grade when cash  was then introduced into the deal. My two older sisters usually always had some great idea for me, this time it was to pick up a purchase at Crowers, our local market. Of course even that would be a funky name....
Crower's, say it ten times fast. I didn't really care about the cash, my goal when I was done with my "job", swinging by Tastee freeze straight across from Crower's, picking up a double double dipped cone dipped in chocolate. Pros like me didn't need to sit a spell and wile the day away at Tastee Freeze, no I knew how to ride like the wind, hands tossed in the air, while eating my Tastee treat, until I didn't on those occasions, but that is another story.
Salivating at the thought of my sugary treat, I knew I had to do my deed, I knew this could be somewhat challenging. I hemmed and hawed as I got to the magazine section, rifling through the Archie comics, looked pretty funny that Archie. Oh yeah, back to the mission, and I wanted what I wanted. I cooly turned my head to see what other magazine going wayfarers were in the aisle today.
Just my luck right in the section I had to pick up my sisters requested mag-some scruffy looking characters, must be bikers, real ruffians. (They probably looked like the Beach Boys with dark hair)
Inching closer  into their section, they stared up at me, probably thinking  did you lose your mommy? I had a mission, I wanted my ice cream, move over biker dudes. I clumsily  grabbed a couple mags and up to the check out stand-  I was off.
"Ok, an abba zabba, Easy Rider magazine, True Confessions." The check out clerk is just staring at this
chubby little fourth grader, with a sweet little grin- as I dig the change out of my pocket, turning beet red. I am sure she is thinking what the hell, probably want ing to laugh so hard. Out the door, across the parking lot my stingray and I burn rubber, pick up my double dipped chocolate cone. I was in heaven. Riding back home, I wondered what stories and pictures we all would read first?

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