Monday, February 10, 2014

Rootbeer cans

We just knew the category we were in,  the moment both their eyes blazed into ours.
It was the yuck one. Yep, in all my 6th grade wisdom I had seen it many a time.These goddesses weren't having it with us, but they had no choice on this forsaken weekend. I am sure the only remedy was to eat another candy bar and toss the wrapper recklessly in the back of Paul's El Camino for me, to cut the glare.
What else was a little gal supposed to do? These two chickitas were in my sisters class, and they sure weren't having any of it with her. Gina and Pam. Gina was very petite with dark silky hair. Pam was tall, blonde, gorgeous surfer girl. Then there were the two of us.
We had gone along on a weekend  excursion with my oldest sister and her best friend, 
 to Laguna. I didn't even know where Pasadena was, ( ten minutes outside of Temple City)  so Laguna was a lifetime a way.... and boy was I ready to go. I loved Paul, my sister's best friends boyfriend. That's a mouth full. He was always so sweet, and  funny.
I am not sure why the middle sister and I tagged along on many a trip, but we were so happy to be included. Pam and Gina on the other hand clearly were not feeling the joy. My middle sister and I had one thing in common. We liked to joke, and tag- this time we knew we were it.
She would have to be the most sarcastic person I ever met, she is pretty funny.
There were six of us children in the family, so we entertained ourselves however, whenever. Some of us were more dramatic than others. Now I have completely lost interest in this story and am thinking about walking home from the movie theatre one Saturday night with her.  I was probably eleven or twelve, she was three years older. We were just strolling down Las Tunas about ten in the evening,when someone decides to throw a can of root beer in her hair. As if she knew the culprit personally, never seeing them, she tells me it was because we are both homely. I am laughing now so hard thinking about us walking home, having an in depth discussion about the true nature of the root beer throwing because we are both so homely. The way she would state things as though it were a fact. Any thing that happened was because we were fat or homely. Okay, let's go get some donuts. Case closed.  I don't know why now that is so funny to me,  but she said it in such a way that it was just the truth. Oh, they looked at us that way because..... oh, okay.  Must be the fat or homely deal. When I was in 9th grade, I used to bleach my hair platinum blonde. We would walk to Thrifty's to buy the bleach, and she would just state in the middle of the store, "You look like a thirty year old divorcee." Ok, I don't know what a thirty year old divorcee looks like, I just turned fourteen, but that was who I was from then on.
Ok, I veered for a moment from the story going down memory lane. I am now just flooded with funny thoughts. Back to Laguna- so we finally get to the beach house and it is time to actually go down to the beach. I look over and Pam and Gina walk out of the house in tiny bikinis with tiny bodies to match. My sister and I give each other the familiar uh oh, what now? Everyone is headed down to the beach, while we both have as many clothes on as humanly possible. We are so tripped beyond imagination about exposing our bodies, and now in front of the Princesses.
We carefully, while laying down remove our cut off cords trying not to breath, as not to let the belly
make any sudden movements, growing any larger than need be. We get through this painstaking process while drinking our "Tabs." I am sure there was a large bag of potato chips and cookies to wash down that diet drink. Suddenly everyone thinks it is such a fun idea to all go in the water.Were they high? I wasn't getting up without something covering my gut. Especially around those two chicks who were watching us  as if we were their entertainment. Of course my sister told me she could see them snickering. Hell no, I wasn't getting up. This time I knew she wasn't just being herself, like at the movie theatre with the root beer incident. They didn't like our kind- we weren't cool.
I didn't happen to mention the fact that this was around 1974, and blowdryers were not as popular yet .
Well, we had some interesting hair between the two of us. Anyone who has wavy or curly hair will understand where I am coming from. Humidity, beach weather, your hair turns into a major fro.
My hair is wavy, but my sisters can get down right crazy. I would tell her that her hair was bigger than doors she tried to get into. She had herself quite a fro. Well, the salt water starting misting our hair like crazy, and believe me, we didn't start out like any babes from the get go. Gina and Pam's mouths were agape as they watched the transformation. Especially my poor sisters 'do. What comes with that is
just pure shame. My sister always, and still does have a tougher hide. She would never let anyone get the best of her. Being second to youngest out of six, I wear my emotions on my sleeve a lot more. What you see is what you get most of the time. Especially being youngest sister. I remember these girls as if it were yesterday. I think the reason I am even writing this story, I  was thinking about Costa Mesa, where was Costa Mesa? Oh that's where Paul lived. He died  a few years later in a car accident. He was such a sweetheart. Here's to you Paul.

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