Friday, August 22, 2014

Howdy Partner

Every time I saw "Partner," I expected him to have pistols packed in each holster,
  Gary Cooper's determined look of defiance, yep. That's what I expected when I bounced on through Partners doors. Cool, level headed, ready for anything. Hmmm....  Howdy Partner.
Ray is sitting on the couch lost in his own computer world thoughts, but at the same time saying.... "What in the hell is she laughing about again? " He's trying to act cool as he sees me snicker and type fast. How fast can a gal who types with two fingers go? I type with my two middle fingers, why, I have no idea..... just how I roll, just seems to make sense to me. Got a pretty good rhythm actually,  once I get lost in my own world. Okay, back to Partner...... so sorry.Met Partner and his gal well over fifteen years ago, was in need of a Chiropractor, can't remember what they specialized in- but seemed what I needed at the time. Partner and his gal were a Hubby and Wife team. Seems like we could have figured out that Dept, Ray's bro and mine  both being chiropractors.
(Would have to travel to Pennsylvania  for mine, though.)  I  started off as Mrs. Partner's patient,  I liked her a lot, so didn't pay much attention to Partner, his holster and showdown at High Noon.  But one day Partners wife took to the bed ill...... can't remember exactly what happened, in stepped the ever chivalrous Partner to the rescue.
Howdy Partner..... is  he seriously talking to me, while saunters slowly across the room, ( seemed like slow motion) doing the severe lean back.
Now this is just funny at this point,  because he is wearing his slackettes  waaaaaay too high, his shirt severely tucked into those very high slackettes, and the lean gets even more severe backward. How does this Cowboy not fall?
Howdy Partner..... I look around again, wanting to just burst out loud, froth, dance a jig, who the hell didn't see Partner sauntering toward me in this rig whilst as dead pan as humanly possibly calling me Partner for the tenth time.
 The set up for this Chiropractic Clinic seemed ultra modern to me at the time. It was a very large room,as opposed to the small rooms I had always gone to previously. When the kids were small, we went to Ray's brother ( now  is sports therapist/ motivational speaker for athletes )  so we are all out together with Partner. I couldn't wait for Ray's turn to meet Partner..... I didn't want to spoil the surprise. He got even more of a super lean back, and I swear  it is inhumanly possibly for that mans pants to be hitched up around his now it would almost appear to be his neck? Katie and Matt experienced Mr. and Mrs. Partner...... why not share the wealth, didn't want to be stingy. Partner started getting super controlling, maybe his pants starting strangling him and he couldn't breath?If we all didn't come in forever three times a week, we were "bad partners." So sad to say our Partnerdome ended one sweet day- but today for some reason, the memory of that fine man, that swell posture, and calling out to Ray this morn..... Howdy Partner  just brought all that magic back.
Good times...... :)


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