Thursday, March 18, 2010

Coming Around Again

I love Merry-Go-Rounds. A lot. Always have. The way the horses go up and down,
all around. I loved them as a kid.... I never wanted to get off the ride.  I still don't
Now, I am just on a different kind of Merry-Go-Round. It is my life. People come and go,
my moods go up and down..... sometimes people have to get off the ride.... forever.
At least this time round. I like the Carousel much better than the roller coaster. Sometimes it's fun,
but I am now ready to get back on my Merry-Go Round. I have had enough thrills and spills to last a lifetime. It's not that middle age is setting in.... as much as a sense of calm and well being are taking over.

I am ready for a smoother ride now. Less jolting ..... that roller coaster twisted me around too much.
I loved the screaming and daredevil sensations...... but somehow the thought of actually being present for the ride...... instead of just white knuckling it sounds pretty good to me. The absolute thrill of going round and round... enjoying every second, as I savor the experience on my favorite horse . Colorful, playful, delightful.....waiting for me. The music of the Merry-Go -Round..... so  inviting and exciting. Watching the joy of the others riding their prized Stallions..... lost in dreamland.

It has been quite some time for me...... to come back round childlike dreams of fantasy.
To let go and just dream..... enjoy the ride with no particular destination ..... just round and round.
That is a new one. It will take some getting used to. For no particular reason..... except my soul loves and desires it.Can't wait to get there.... hop on quick. Feel the childlike excitement build.
Which is every reason and beyond.....nuff said. I have so many Carousels yet to ride.


  1. This one is amazing!!! your amazing!! ♥ Merry-Go-Rounds =]

  2. Ciao Clare,

    I was always kinda afraid of the roller coaster. Something about the unexpected twists and turns. They just killed me. I'll tell you that fear definitely kept me form enjoying the ride.

    I always admired kids who had no fear of the roller coaster, I always wanted that.

    Thanks for the story/

  3. Nicole, thanks my angel girl. I love riding the Merry-Go-Round with you. Can we do it forever?

  4. Hey Maffew.... I love you. Think Randy Scroeder likes Carousels ? Thanks Maffew!

  5. Seamusoconner.... I love your name! I know what you mean about the kidz who were fearless. I was always the one shaking by the side of the ride ready to barf! Never could act too cool or fake it too well. No poker face for this gal! Thanks for your feedback Seamus!
