Monday, March 1, 2010

Come Together.....

Feeling alone is one of the most isolating experiences . We may as well be on an island far .... off in the the ocean. Even while standing in the middle of the most crowded mall. Sitting in a restaurant that telling feeling inside creeping up..... so desperately wanting to connect with another.  Looking around with eyes that sweetly speak...... please notice me. Acknowledge  my existence. It's not that I actually want you to do anything for me.  Just include me in the human race. I would imagine this goes for each and everyone of us. We have become so disconnected from one another. So busy talking to each other on cell phones....
While your dinner companion is whistling dixie..... waiting for you to finish. Come back to the conversation. At the table next to you- someone with the loudest, crackliest voice known to man kind,
is talking to hear him self speak to fill up his loneliness.  Meanwhile..... you are trying to have a truly intimate conversation.

Loneliness is a very painful experience. I think if we just put it out there a little more..... instead of
pretending. It seems the more electronics we bring on, the less we communicate. I notice with all
this fabulous technology, on the whole... very little is actually said. Much ado about nothing.
In letters we said true feelings. There was so much more politeness and gratitude. It is rare for me to even see thank you cards from weddings anymore. What is that about? When did that happen?
It makes me sad. We have so many ways to communicate, to come together. Opportunities to say
what is on our mind without the repercussions and oppression from the past. I hear a lot of silence.
Yes.... there are and always have been the brave souls willing to come forward in honesty. I have the utmost respect for these unsung heroes..... always will.

Standing up and being counted. A little at a time. Saying what you think. How you feel. Being a little different. That truly is what makes the world go round. All the colors of the rainbow.
What a beautiful sight. Raise your voice..... let  your true colors be brilliant. Just like you.
Come together.....


  1. Dearest Clare, I am ringing at your door. I really do hear you and I choose to listen. Much much love, Rose Marie

  2. Thanks Rosie. I feel it. I am changing because of that door bell ringing! Ding dong back! I love you.
