Thursday, February 9, 2012


Parts of this  story just makes me laugh so hard,  every time I relive it  in my mind it is even more pleasurable. I am very into visuals. How am I not a dude? I am laughing now... so here goes.

This is the background, not the funny part so bear with me as the story continues.
I had this teacher in  High School that every girl swooned over.  I went to  high school in the late 70's and I had some very ahead of their time teachers. I really believe they moulded this mind in the best of ways, to become who I am. Their thinking  was so cutting edge, coming from such a conservative area at the time. Two of the teachers that I had were Doctors and believed in a very modern,
loving approach to learning. I am quite sure this did not go over big with the Administration, but the Students... we were eating it up, loving every second of this approach to expressing feelings, etc. Something very foreign to most  of us in very uptight, rigid homes.

Dance, sing, cry, laugh write, simply express yourself. Of course me being shy and completely beyond tripped out just sat there but believe me I took it all in.  Especially the love. I  loved the two years of being a part of this bold experiment. Three Classes combined together, my Sophomore and Junior  year were the best times of my High School experience. Being told that we were loved, special, etc was amazing. That we could do, be anything... it rocked our worlds.

I decided to look Superfox up on the computer about two years ago and see what was up. Well, he still was looking pretty good  100 years later, or he put a good pic up. I saw his address was local, and asked my trusty partner in crime Raymond if he wanted to drive by his office.  So in the ride we go chatting away as usual. I am nervous and excited even at the thought of just a drive by, bringing up all these girlish High School feelings for Superfox.  All the info on the internet showed his amazing career, beautiful fiancee, Fortune 500 companies, etc. I was nervous even to do the cruise. Obviously  my 17 year old was coming out. As we near the address, Raym says  this must be a mistake, we must have gotten the address wrong.  Over and over we checked and double checked.

In front of us was a Shanty..... this could not be my Superfox's Crib. Raym kept saying this is the address, I think it is some kind of apartment acting like a Suite /Office.  " Ok honey, go up to the door and knock." Raym looked at me like, she isn't going to stop until I do this. He already looked at the mail box and it said his name on it. Not good enough. Go to the door. "And say what?"  "I don't care, say you live here, say anything go check it out." I have a very loving hubby who has gone on many a recon mission in 28 years with me. Out he went to continue the mission.

I sat in the car behind the bushes watching. Good camouflage disguise I am sure. Superfox wouldn't remember 100 years later, but  I had to remain cool. I watch as my old man bitches to himself as he walks to the door. A cat pops out of the apartment hallway to startle him, while smelly old cat food and debris are to the left of the door. He rings the doorbell, and Superfox opens it with no shirt on and a pair of old cut off shorty short jeans. A football game is blaring on the TV in the background loudly as Superfox asks what he can do for Ray, all the while looking fairly disheveled.

Ray just stands there dumbfounded for a moment by the sight of Superfox, the Cat, and  how in the hell did I talk him into this kind of thing yet again. " Does so and so live here," Superfox says no, Ray takes one last look  knowing I will grill him for every detail. Ray seemed quite taken with the Cat details.

Life is funny, people are sometimes not who they appear to be. It's not that it would have mattered to me one way or another about Superfox, where he lived. The write up after write up about his fabulous star studded life, Hollywood Style Glamor... and how I reacted. Small town girl that was so afraid to even cruise by. We are all just people. Ray said he couldn't have been nicer. Always was.
I think why the story makes me laugh is Ray walking up to the door. That is so out of character for him, just winging it. What we do for love.  He has done so many silly things for me he would never do in "regular" life. I appreciate that more than I could possibly say.  My cohort in crime,  the ride has been so much fun.  Getting the joke together. Thanks honey for humoring a 17 year old....The Superfox one was something else.

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