Saturday, February 11, 2012

Miscreant Universe

Full moons bring out the most interesting peeps.  Today was no exception.  As the hubby and I were doing our usual Saturday morning cruise, quite a few sights caught our eye.The first we were so lucky to behold as we were driving down Foothill Blvd in Pasadena, a fine well respectable gent. To understand my  sense of humor, I come from a mother who constantly used very interesting words to describe things. Today these words would appear  politically  incorrect, but to her  they still are perfectly normal and attaches no significance to them whatsoever. The thing is I am her daughter.... and everything is funny in this context.

So no one will take offense, I changed the wording, although I wouldn't know how my mom would spell this one anyway. (Yes, I know we are veering off the story, but only momentarily I promise.)
"Don't put that in your mouth thats caucky." Everything was "cauky" to my mom. It is just so hysterical thinking about that.... my kids were raised with this word, and so many others also. Sights, people, words are very significant to me because everything was so bizarre.  I think I search out the bizarre. That sometimes is  my comfort zone.

Getting back to our morning of cruising.... I will  describe this handsome devil  the best I can. While he  slowly walked away from the bus stop he was at ( doing the lean back walk)  a few people were nearby, especially one lucky woman. My I spy eyes opened wider as I watched this fellow reach into his sweatpants, ( that came up nearly around his neck) and grab around his nether regions. Of course I watched intently what was going to take place. Anyone who knows me, knows  of course I would watch. Superfreak that I am, I don't want to miss a thing. Bizarre behavior especially. Must be the writer in me. Ok, that is just my cover.

This poor woman shuffles off quickly as he is enjoying himself and his smoke. Two fisted fella and all. Then as he fishes around a little more for good measure, it was time to water the nearby tree. This is Foothill Blvd  in Pasadena.Very busy. He finishes his biz.... very casually I might add, hitches his sweats up even higher if humanly possible, and very cooly walks over to the other people waiting for the bus. Lucky them. All in a days work.

Later in the day as we were at the Gas Station, another fine gent stumbles over towards Ray. Starts rapping about  wanting 30 cents and getting in Ray's face. I'm not sure what planet or drug of choice he was on, but I have never seen my hubby say "no" louder to get this fellow out of his personal space.The day continued like this with many citizens having lively debates with themselves on many a corner. I don't know what was in the air today.... but it felt like we were in Miscreant Universe.


  1. hahahahahahahahah love those kind of peeps

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA.....Perfect! The planets are in retrograde in Miscreant Universe.

  3. Welcome to our world and all our miscreants
