Monday, March 19, 2012


Beauty... knowing our worth. Allowing how we feel to flow joyously without apology.
For some that is their second nature. To breathe in the air, to feel life to be as natural as the breeze.
For others like myself, that comes with much practice. To be able to accept all the parts of self as is... to dive in head first .... Life I'm here. Now let's get this party started.

That is where I am at, let's get this party started. I am blooming at an older age to some.
Fifty would appear to be over the hill. I have never felt younger, more exuberant... alive.
I understand  my body, my rhythms, my mind. I connect with my soul.

I have boundaries now, that were once merely words that sounded good in a book I had read.
They now keep me safe, grounded, able to live the way I choose to.
I have learned an incredibly valuable lesson lately. Beauty wanting so to be released from deep inside of me... my true soul essence. This has been my greatest life challenge.

I have watched how beautiful and natural  my daughter is, allowing this beauty to radiate and shine from deep within her. Growing up knowing  your own worth is critical to allow this light to come out and shine bright, free and to understand it was always your birthright.

A recent experience, although painful actually has moved me to this birthright way... even faster.

When we are criticized, commented on, not accepted for who we are, over and over again it sends a message  to the child in us about our worth.  The adult can easily brush this nonsense off, say things such as,"Well consider the source,"  or what most of us think... "A__hole."

Okay, well that's  my thinking...... probably the cleaned up PG version actually.
The truth is,  and I really do know this when I am in my rational "non -painful", "ouch- this- hurts" frame of mind. It is just their pain and limitations, not mine.
Whatever they are carrying from their life from day to day, year to year. Hmmm, time to unload again, that looks like good a place as any to unload. Plop.
Usually on someone who is an easy mark, sensitive, who won't fight back,  etc, etc, etc.. Then...surprise!...when you challenge this person who is usually very vocal, rarely holding back while letting you know about you . What happens nine times out of ten? They crumble. Cowardice. They slink away and crumble, acting the victim themselves! They spew their volcanic wreckage for the world to enjoy and  many will accept this behavior.  "Oh that's just so and so, it's just how they are."  As if  treating people badly is acceptable behavior because  "that's how so and so is", or "They don't mean anything by it". The fact is yes they do.
My siblings and I  grew up in an environment with  spewing volcanic lava with words. It burns, it scars, it sears.
"That's just how so and so is" is not good enough. Abuse is abuse, and it needs to be addressed and
not excused.

A flower blossoming takes time. Needs to be in the right soil, nurtured, loved protected.
Sun is essential or the flower will die. Weeds will choke the flower.... as they love to take over garden beds.  Spring is coming.... to all the beautiful blooming flowers whatever age we decide to bloom.
You've never looked more radiant in your true light.


  1. WONDERFUL! I love you mom ;)

  2. Beautiful!! You're amazing. xoxo

  3. This is so wonderful Clare! I can't explain it but it feels like it came right out of my head, as if I wrote it. I have been feeling like this lately. Lost with the lights on. Fighting the hardest I ever have for myself. Just plain fighting back for the first time it feels. Its come at a price though. Im Remembering things so barried they hurt. Feeling things I never thought I would feel again. I want to go back to my pretend "Ok" place. The place I've been living blissfully ignorant for so long. It's easier that way. I'm easier that way, but the lost girl inside of me has been pushing out. Life doesn't feel easy anymore. Lost with the light on its hard. Finding myself feels neverending. The struggle of anlifetime. Some things inwant to leave barried, so many feelings i dont want to have! It hurts at times. But you give me hope!!
    Anyways! You nailed it mama, and as always you inspire me to be better! You give me hope, even if the path to it hurts! You give me hope! I love you so much. Thank you for sharing! Xoxoxoxo

  4. Thanks Matt.... I love you too honey. xo

  5. Thank you Miss Thalia.... little angel baby. you rock!

  6. Nicole....
    All of these feelings that are coming out, just let them. You are exactly where you are supposed to be little love. You are standing up for yourself honey.... new concept. It takes time. Sometimes blissful ignorance has saved your life until you were ready. Just too much stuff on your plate, in that young life of yours.

    Be proud my darling girl. You are a miracle. You not only have survived, you are thriving, even when it seems like you are not. Mamas know these things as they watch their babes grow. I am here always.... loving you and cheering you on from the sidelines.

    Couldn't be prouder of my girl.
