Friday, March 23, 2012


"Never forget how to dream Little Star, shining brighter than all the stars in all the sky."
These words from one of Madonna's  songs... "Never forget who you are butterfly, may angels protect you and sadness forget you."

These words literally have changed my life. I needed an anthem to believe in.
"Never forget where you come from... from love"- I needed to reframe, recreate, rebuild a new me. I needed words to build from that would sustain me. Dreaming was light years away from me as a child. Survival with the pack of wolves (my brothers  and sisters and I) was the order of the day.  With lack of direction and purpose, we wildly grazed in our own lives best we could.  Dreaming would come much later for me, in the form of my angel, my husband who helped me remember what dreams are.

As I write this, listening to the music with my headphones on.... I look over at him. Tears well over,
because I know one hundred percent I would not be the person I am today without his love.
A wild stallion, lacking trust and calm,  Raymond would sit with me until the wildness, fear, anger would subside from growing up in a home void of love or affection.  Through so much confusion and sadness, he held me tight as I pushed him away, shut down, froze.... went dead.

Filling my soul with his warmth, words, dreams until I could  dream again on my own.
People have said through the years we are such opposites, what do we have in common?
Love, patience for each other's deepest wounds,  places in the dark where no light has been shined on.
Most of all, laughter. We laugh so often... as we have cried.  Deep love for our children.
Raymond is my calm, my love, my angel. He helps me to look up to dream and remember I come from love.

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