Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Makes Me Laugh

Believe me when I say I know my brain has issues.  I laugh at the most inappropriate moments.
Well, I snicker....start walking extremely fast and just roar. I lose it and have a very difficult time
retaining my composure. Thinking about that makes me laugh harder. A situation just last week that made me laugh very hard, I am snickering as I write this. I wish you could see what a ridiculous, lazy writer I truly am. The computer is perched on my stomach,  at a rakish angle. I type with two fingers, the only way I know how. This amuses my hubby to no end. I was going to go to bed, but I started thinking about things that made me laugh, so I slung the computer on my belly.... and we are off. It is tilted so crazy right now, that makes me laugh. I will never do anything convenient, easy or proper.

Last week Ray and I were up in the Central Coast visiting friends ( okay I did a belly flip, too much weight on me with this computer, it's time to get cracking with this story).
Ray loves trains more than I can say,  this was a train trip ~ so we made a stop with a fellow who was going to show Ray some train biz. This particular stop was to some kind of an abandoned warehouse area in San Luis Obispo, and what to my wondering eyes did appear but a derelict looking motorcycle... perched in the corner by a chain link fence as a perfect prop for the old man and me to sit on.  The perfect photo op.  Our pal told us it was more than likely stolen, abandoned in this area.... that's all it took for these city slickers. I put some shades and a hat on Ray at crazy angles.... gangsta style. I was roaring, we were all laughing, carrying on. Then I got on with him, the party had officially begun. Just as I was about to ride solo  for this particular prop.... out of the corner of my eye a shadowy figure appears. I could not beat feet fast enough. Ray is wearing this ridiculous hat, gangsta style, with shades and the funniest expression on his face.  I am  tailing our friend very closely, as he is wondering why? am I laughing so hard and moving away at the speed of sound.

My hubby is standing by his lonesome while this wanna be bro is ready to give him a serious case of whoop ass. This makes me want to jump through the air and roar. I know it is not funny to leave him by himself.... and normally we would do the buddy system,  but the ridiculous hat got to me. This fellow was fuming, steam was coming out of his head. My hubby, ever the diplomat apologized profusely... but this gent was not having it. He was telling him proper protocol was,"You don't sit on a mans bike no more than you sit on his woman."  I would have gotten Ray killed at that point from laughing, best I moved along when I did.( Again, laughing in the most inappropriate moments.)
Somehow the wanna be biker set my man free, and then Ray came over to tell the full tale.

This gent kept coming out every fifteen minutes to have a smoke.... and had to hear us telling the story over and over again, with much more vivid detail.... probably echoing through the valley.
Our other friend showed up,  we had to tell the story yet again. I didn't know if the guy was going to come out with a shotgun. I guess you just had to be there, but seeing Ray peering through the fence trying to see if this fellow was watching us, it was  pretty funny, not Ray's M.O.  at all. It was worth getting the pics, thinking about it... laughing,  thinking about how my sweet dear hubby lets me pose him in these ridiculous situations.That's what makes me laugh the most!  That's love. 


  1. Dear sweet Clare,
    congratulations for your writting! I realy did enjoyed my friend!I miss you with all the converssations....
    Have a good evening for now.
    My love,
    Allways you friend Gisela <3

  2. Thanks Gisela.... miss you too.
    Sleep tight!

  3. Ray was thinking,"It would be okay if I sat Jim's old Harley, so why shouldn't I sit on this old wanna be bike?" hahahahahahaha.
