Monday, April 2, 2012

Motel 6

My mind's taking a trip down memory lane, each time I have gone down this particular road, I  say to myself.... "What was I thinking"? I still laugh as hard as I did nearly thirty years ago, at the thought of this story. Really.... all of the things I did back in the day would be pretty frightening today, because it just seemed so much more innocent. The people, the times...

I was twenty years old and a friend of mine, Heather (who I waitressed with) was going to be modeling in a swim suit show  in Palm Springs.  Yeah, white trash gone wild.... what can I say? Another friend  Gabrielle, came along for the ride. These two gal pals didn't know each other, and how I lined this one up,  hmmm. Probably because we each had exactly enough to stay at Motel 6. Like I said, we were high falutin'.  I think we figured we could count on the mercy of her modeling gig for some drinks and and appetizer or two.

I was lounging by the luxurious poolside of our beautiful digs, (Motel 6) as I am taking in the rays, I hear an enchanting voice next to me. Not really.... this fellow starts rapping to me. Okay, whatever. I'm twenty, I am in this fine motel, and Heather is upstairs getting ready for her gig. Why she was so fancy and had her own hotel room, I don't remember, but my other roomie, Gabrielle was upstairs also, with  the stomach flu trying to feel better for the nights festivities. This voice sounded okay....  even better as he invited  my lady friends and me out for a steak dinner. I barely looked at his face.... I was hungry.  Like I said, white trash and associates, he looked decent enough. Dinner for  three of us. ( Didn't we have amazing standards? ) Then he stood up.
Lord have mercy.... he was a little short. No disrespect at all to short people... but he was pretty short.
Just under five feet tall if that, just wasn't expecting it. I am  considered short  at not quite 5'5.

I left out that part  to the gals... just that we were going to be taken out to dinner by a very nice gent. Steak dinner. We were young and hungry....  the gals looked at me with hmmm? Both gals had to be five 5'7 at least. That made me laugh even harder. So....we went to Heather's swim suit deal, than dinner. Well, we come to find out  after our belly's are full, he is not even staying at the hotel. What the hell? why was he just sitting there. He said his room mate  had the key and he was locked out. Uh huh.   Then he asked if he could come back to the hotel,  Heather and I just looked at each other. We knew what was going on... but Gabrielle had the stomach flu even worse by now, she just wanted to go back to our room.  Heather was this very beautiful blonde girl, who every male was madly in love with. She looked so innocent, but was one of the toughest broads I have ever met. She grew up in El Sereno, which has some rough areas. This chick knew how to handle herself.

We both tried to pawn this fellow off on each other.... finally we said he could sit out on the lounge chair outside Heather's room. Fine...  go to it. Heather had a single bed, who knew they even made single beds at hotels? We were just laying on the bed laughing our heads off, thinking about him sitting outside the window. Time passed,  I wanted to go to my room after many hours of laughter  and wondering what this guys trip was. It was all the way across the courtyard ( of course I am trying to make it sound fancy)   I finally made my way back to my room by morning.

It must have been around six am... I  unlock my door,  walk in, look over at the sumptuous Motel 6 bed I can't wait to slump into. Gabrielle is tossing and turning in hers. I didn't have enough to drink,  or did I? Who the hell is that in my bed? It 's him... short man. This can't be real. I run out shocked, in a daze leaving Gabrielle to her own devices. Yeah, I know what a pal I am. But wait.... why did she  stay in the room all night with him? Oh, stories I could and will tell, believe me. I run back to Heather's room, laughing my head off. Telling the tale of who is in my bed. I think the stone fox thought he was going to get lucky when I got back to the room.

Later that morn I returned back to my room. No more naked short man. Gabrielle told us the story of how he came up to our room, telling her I said  he could come up. She was so sick with stomach flu she could have cared less. Vomiting all night back and forth to the bathroom... with each  pilgrimage she made to the bathroom, she looked over to see him removing another article of clothing until he was completely naked. I don't know why this one makes me laugh so hard. I guess, once again you would have to know Gabrielle. Her tough  broad rivaled Heather's.  I can just imagine her thinking..."What the hell?" and going back to bed. One naked man in our hotel... you've seen em' all. The best part of all, we were all good Catholic Girls.
He was perched once again  poolside villa of Motel 6. We beat feet out as fast as humanly possible before Romeo caught wind of our departure. I realize he could have been a mass murderer, or something along those lines. This was the  very early eighties. We were  innocents that trusted and believed. The thing that makes me laugh the hardest is Gabrielle looking over and being so nonchalant as this fellow goes from fully clothed to naked. I would have run out of the room screaming.
I had some very strange experiences with her on different occasions... this one was mild. My sense of humor and what makes me laugh may be very different from others.  I guess you just had to be there.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....that's frickin' incredible. I had a similar experience in college. (Not with a guy though). My roomate is out partying all night and brings two friends (girls) to our dorm. I don't recall all the details...but I just remember a girl named Celeste saying, "I'm really tired, could you scoot over?" (in my single bed". ) I said, "sure, don't let me hog the covers too much." All I remember is asking Al after they were gone what was up with this? "They needed a place to stay..and it's too far back to Tulsa in their condition. She thought it was nice of you to share." Who knew Oklahoma was such an open minded state? ;)
