Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Discomfort of Comfort

This is where I want to really start. There is no way around this one.
The true discomfort of having to deal with living with fear, anxiety, terror, joy, failure- success. You name it. It does not necessarily have to be a negative. Just give it a name. Take the boogie man out of the closet the dark. He or she doesn't like light shined bright. That's no fun.

Change- getting out of your comfort zone. Getting off your ass. Going against popular opinion. Having people, friends, YOU doubt yourself. Feeling terrified + DOING it anyway. Baby steps. This doesn't happen all at once. Definitely doesn't happen in a vacuum. Having the courage,YES- it takes courage contrary to popular belief to say-
I need: Help+ Love+Comfort +My Life Saved +Tell Me I'm not Alone
I Have worth+ I am Special+ I Am Beautiful + You Won't Leave Me . Your brain will tell you this is weakness and perhaps the frightened who stay in the dark will say the same. To stand up and ask for what you need, show vulnerability, there is nothing more courageous. The greatest lesson I have found: Who will honor this precious, sacred gift you are presenting, your HEART. Sometimes mine has been trashed and trampled, having put my faith in the wrong hands, but if I had not opened my heart and risked and always kept it closed, protected- I would never have felt the incredible joy I experience too. Love, opening your heart is like a rollercoaster. At least in my life. Hell yeah, sometimes I am screaming at the top of my lungs get me off, I am never going on this ride again. Then, I can't imagine not feeling the excitement of going around the loop again, heart racing- wind blowing in my hair. Sun setting on a perfect day. Discomfort is what gets us to the next stage. But could whoever is listening up there tone it down a bit. I think I got the point.


  1. I think it's important to have a grip on who you are even if people don't think the same way as you, then to not have your own opinion

  2. Thanks kaitie, i couldn't have said it better.

  3. Doing something new can be the scariest thing in the world. Putting yourself out there in a way that you know you can get trampled on is absolutely terrifying. Admitting to yourself that you have things you need to work on. Walls that need to come down or you will be alone or misunderstood is a ominous feeling. A feeling that doesn't just go away even if you want it to. Being in this new place with new people has been the hardest experience in my life. Equally as challenging has been letting someone truly in... Letting someone get to know me for who I am, all my insecurities included. My insecurities, my anxiety, all my defenses are at a peek in this new life. Trying to cope with them is the challenge. Dealing with myself has been the hard part. Always being distracted by other peoples issues has been easy. For the first time im dealing with ME. Its refreshing!

  4. Nicole, your honesty is like a breath of fresh air. It just fills my sails. Putting yourself out there, and not knowing the outcome- is not for the feint of heart. New places, new people. Risking is very frightening. .So VERY freeing when you cross the hurdle- one baby step at a time. I get the distractions, it has always been easier to look at other people's stuff, for me too. I love that you are refreshing to yourself. You sure are to all of us who know and love you.
