Friday, November 27, 2009


It has been over thirty years since I have seen or talked to a very dear friend of mine. This week, thanks to Face Book, we have been given another opportunity to reconnect. The joy in my heart is like a deep well. The sadness, that same well.
My dear friend is ill. I do not know how ill. My intuition tells me: VERY ill. I do not have her phone number, she asked me for my e-mail address with the promise she would get back to me right away. So, I wait. My heart knows no difference of the years that have come between us. Time has brought us together again.

I felt an impending sense of expressing all of what she has meant to me. Yet my words felt so trite. Time has brought my friend and I together again, both of us joining Face Book about 2 months ago. I miss my friend. This makes me want to let those I love know even more, and without a moments hesitation:

I love you with all that I am. My words are meaningless. Please listen to my heart. Look into my eyes. Forgive my ignorance, when I didn't listen. It wasn't for lack of loving you. You have meant more to me and made my life better, even when we fought. I raged. You helped me grow. Your kindness I sometimes took for granted. I can't re- wind that one. My heart loves you even more for loving me- through all of my humanity.

You are priceless. I can promise you this. From the love you have filled me with unselfishly my friend, when your time comes, you will not be alone. Wherever you are I will find you. I will hold you through your long winter night until you take your last breath on Earth.

Because, you are my friend.


  1. this is beautiful and moving, clare! a wonderful homage to friendship and taking the opportunity to express our love/what is in our hearts. in my life - i have missed many an opp, but that is changing... ever so slowly.

    i'm sorry that your friend is ill.

  2. Petunia, thank you for your wonderful soothing words. This one that I wrote, I realized I will never be able to write again. It was so difficult. It took so much out of me. The next stage is living it fully. I know what you mean about missed opps. I am changing, too. I won't make that mistake again with you -Petunia. I love you, Clare

  3. Hi, I guess you haven't heard from her yet. . . when the time is right, you will. . . somehow. I enjoyed reading your blogs. . . your writing is growing and so are you. Happy Day my friend. V.

  4. Thanks,V. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am tracking her down. We keep missing each other. I have had an excellent teacher to help me grow. I watch my teacher and I become stronger from her courage and fortitude. I love you V. Clare
