Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

As I am dancing in the kitchen with my daughter and her darling boyfriend to Donna Summers,
sipping champagne and truly enjoying myself I look around : What is finally right with this picture.
It is Thanksgiving Day. I don't remember ever being truly present for any Holiday. Not for lack of trying. Just sheer pain of not fully being able to let go of so many ghosts of the past. I always have gratitude and love for and to be with my husband and children. They are and always have been my heart. This year was different. I FELT present.

I enjoyed the smells, cooking with my family. Hearing the kids laugh. Watching the boys, who will one day soon be brother- in laws,working in perfect harmony as they mashed the potatoes.New traditions our traditions are being built. Setting a beautiful table. Finding berries outside and making a natural table setting. Letting berries twigs and pumpkins be enough. My sweet husband says the table looks so beautiful.I am noticing the love in his eyes. I feel the love in my heart.
. Before it had to be such a to-do. It was exhausting. I learn a lot from my family in all their natural ways. They just "are" I in turn am re- learning to just "be."

Even the act of connecting to the people I love. I have never called anyone up on a Holiday. Today I did. Just the simple act of e-mailing. Dropping a quick, I love you. I am thinking about you. You are special to me. It has been an amazing feeling to connect. To love and be loved. I am learning traditions that my family and I are enjoying. Healthy -Loving- Ours. We speak from our hearts what we are grateful for. We are each other's closest friends, all saying the same thing to each other. The desire to be in each other's company. Not because we don't love being with other's. We all definitely do.It's just the fit is like pieces of a puzzle . I couldn't give thanks more for that.


  1. dear Clare
    love your blog, love the presence, family love, doing it differently and simply, losing the big 'to do'. now if I can get that simple over the holidays I'll be happy

  2. Thanks Jenn, I appreciate your words. The big "to do." That's what I realize in hind sight has been my shield to hide behind. I learned very well, how to make it "look good." I felt so very bad on the inside so I learned elaborate design. At first for approval and secondly because my mom never gave a thought to how anything looked, ever! Then, I learned I actually enjoyed it. Interesting how things begin. Big"to do's."What they are actually built on. Now, I just want to be a part of. The "PROVING THING" has been so much work.
