Saturday, November 21, 2009

Welcome to Clare's Pad

I am so happy that you have dropped by. Relax- kick back, I made this site for all of us.
This is a place where however you feel is okay. Happy, sad in between, it doesn't matter.
I feel all those emotions all the time , I imagine some of you do. So, let's just let it rip or not. I'm going to keep on saying how I feel , love to hear your thoughts. Clare's Pad already is feeling toastier - YOU'RE here.


  1. looks like i finally made it to your pad after some fumbling about :). thank you, clare, for welcoming me and everyone else with your open warm loving spirit.

  2. petunia, I know it is difficult to find. Thank you for hanging in there. what a great name! you are always welcome here, petunia. I am so happy to have you stop by. Come back anytime- l love to hear your thoughts on anything that's on your mind. Clare
