Sunday, November 29, 2009

In The Stillness

I love this moment right now. It is very early morning. My family are still safely tucked away in slumber.
I am learning what a restless spirit I am, the more I write. I hear the buzzing of the pool motor.
It seems my thoughts have a hard time taking a nap. So I write. This was not such a problem before
when I Ignored my emotions, stuffed them away. Banished them to some far off kingdom.
They now want to see the light of day.

In this quiet I am able to see , to understand all the changes occurring.
I have been so impatient with myself, so unkind. Yet to another, to a friend I would say:
Be proud of yourself. Look how far you have come. You have to be vulnerable - willing to risk.
How does anyone move forward, without making mistakes. Lot's of them.
Moving sideways, then up and down. It isn't ever a straight line forward, that much I know for sure.

I still don't have the big picture of where I am headed. But here's the good news.
For the first time in my life, there is a BIG picture. I am finally in this picture.
Front and center. I am no longer hiding in the back crouched down.
This is MY life. I am waking up. I want to be here for it.

That has not always been the truest of statements. Today I can honestly say I am welcoming myself.
I have waited for what - who? The ghosts of the past. From a little girls broken heart.
I am a grown woman with a family of my own.
My celebrations, my traditions begin with me.

Only in this complete stillness my heart can understand: Where I have come from, and where I am finally ready to be.
Right here, right now with this family I so dearly LOVE and can't imagine living one second without.
Even and especially in this confusing , frustrating, wonderful life I have been given.
It is mine to figure out. I wouldn't trade it for anyone else's.


  1. dear clare
    this is beautiful, touching, so proud for you showing up for yourself,
    so RIGHT ON!

  2. Jenn, thank you so much. As you know, and I know you absolutely DO, it is born of pain. I just want to move forward more than anything. Again, your support means everything, your friend, Clare
