Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sometimes A Name Is Just A Name

What power a title holds. It can make us jump through hoops, or stay in fear. Possibly command total respect.
A simple name yet the implications of that name are so very far from simple.

For one person the title of Mother, sitting with her precious child by the fire conjures up warm and toasty feelings on a cold winters night. Mugs filled to the brim with hot cider, the heavenly aroma of a roast wafting in from the kitchen. Soft music serenades in the back ground as the two are engaged deeply in conversation.

Enter another scenario just down the road. Same evening, pans clanking in the kitchen as venom is being spewed thickly, like a dark vaporous cloud into the air. The atmosphere now touched by the anger of unspoken resentment built throughout the years. A yell bursts out and falls like a thud." Dinner"
barked from mother to daughter. Then eaten in angry silence. Shame casting a crimson wash around the daughters face.

Titles that are given it would seem to me also need to be earned. I would say the cost: Dignity. Respect.
Being a parent, teacher, doctor, friend does not come with automatic rights. Just because there is a title attached.
What I am learning more than ever is to respect myself. In doing so if something doesn't feel right, NO MATTER whose name is attached to the title. I make my choice based on behavior, which by no means comes easily or naturally for me. The title thing still throws me. I'm just not willing to feel like shit anymore. Yet that is how I choose to honor myself. I honor others who deserve my respect, and I am living the life I am meant to, and have always dreamed of.

I am stepping out of my own way. It is sometimes frightening, yet there is no other way. I want to move forward more than I want to stay in fear.


  1. This is amazing! Your amazing! Respecting yourself is so important and you are truly teaching me the importance of a loving life! I love you so much!

  2. Thanks so much Nicole. I know in your own life you have lived it. You are an inspiration to me. All the nameless faces and titles that have passed through your doors. Yet, look at you bloom. I love you and am so proud of you.

  3. Thanks for being so proud of me! you being there for me has made me the person I am and am striving to be! Your the best ro-model in the world!!
