Tuesday, April 27, 2010


 It's done.  I know I've got my walking papers, yet I sit here frozen.  I took you seriously.
I loved you. My heart has crumbled into a million pieces, and I don't have the vaguest idea
how to retrieve it. I want to hate you, yet I realize I don't even know you. Just the image of you~ from what, a lifetime ago? When and how do I really know you? Do the tears flow any less? Does my heart
grieve for the friend who no longer wants to sit with me ~  laugh, talk, share, remember? Two
souls remembering. Today ends something  much more profound as I look back, walk away from
what felt like home. Not yours though. Never yours. I was mistaken and greatly apologize.

That's right, I forgot the rules of the Great Wanderer. Something better out there. Restless heart and all.
Too restless for the rest of us. Catchy don't you think. Draw us in, wind us up. I didn't think I was one of the great masses. Silly me. Yet I was. Just like every other silly little thing getting drawn into the great Svengali...... oh so hypnotic and masterful. Those hypnotic eyes sir.  How very fetching.

You have taught me yet again what a cold heart beats within.  Freedom you
yearn for kind sir? Run through the valleys and hills. Run. It is yours. To  your hearts delight.
Don't let me stop you.  I loved you yes, that is my crime. If I came too close, forgive me.

I hope you find what you are looking for in the wilderness of your heart, your life.
 Are you a mirror of me in some way as I rage on~  perhaps?

I do love you. I will always love you. You have left your mark. I really do wish you  the peace you are so desperately yearning for.  My heart hurts, quite simply. You were extraordinary.
You will be greatly missed. I am better for knowing you. That is why the sting is that much greater.


  1. Clare?

    Oh my.I feel such painand loss, please....who has left - to whom have you bid this agonizing goodbye? I am here.

    Love Gail

  2. Gail, I have written 3x, and the post has disappeared.
    Thank you for your love, concern, and support. My heart was inflamed. All the ghosts of the pasts gathered together.
    Goodbye came in one fell swoop. Your love and honesty are healing and refreshing. I love you. Clare
