Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Soul Chops

This makes me laugh, thinking about.  So many years ago when I was about twenty.
I was living in this very old one bedroom house in South Pasadena, you could call it "rustic."
I was very happy to be living there at the time.  I had just moved out from  a very brief  marriage,
[married at eighteen, I know what was I thinking?] The landlord  was  also my sisters. So it was very helpful since I had no money and no references of my own. Moving back home was not an option.
I had never lived by myself, so it was  a very new and somewhat....... okay I am lying, not somewhat~ it was an excruciatingly terrifying experience.

The landlord Mike, who was  about forty five, [which seemed ancient at the time]  proceeded to drive me  over  to
the house . On the way over we small talk, chit chat. I had met him on several other occasions, so I felt moderately safe. I am on my own now, so I have to be a big girl.
He  proceeds to tell me about how he throws Pajama Parties...... but I don't have to bring my pajamas.
Cool, this is going well.  I am looking out the car window~ALOT.

So that's how that part went down. I am chuckling thinking about him.  Well, I got through it unscathed, didn't have to put a deposit down, maybe the fool thought he was going to have a Pajama Party deposit. Well, now I am near his age, he must be three hundred. Party on boy.
Depends~ party. Not depends on me~ Depends diapers for him.
Okay, so I am being passive aggressive, but my memories are flooding back of him standing outside my back door at times. Creepy fellow. I did get through living there for a few months, quite terrified.
The bedroom was tiny, in the very back of the house. Phone in the living room. Way up front.
How I ever slept...... I don't think I did. Which brings me to "Soul Chops" lover. I worked with Linda Friday. Hmmmmmmmmm. Interesting gal.  We waitressed together. Let's just say she never missed a meal. I think I figured out why she liked working nights alone.  She cleaned out those dessert cases,
and I don't mean with windex. We would get the donut deliveries, that would mysteriously "disappear."
Delivery problems on more than one occasion, she would say. Wish I would have thought  of that one.

I laugh thinking how "she slid into home place"......... right in front of the walk in refrigerator.
Okay, it is not as though I didn't take  a huge spoon in there and eat heaping spoons of tapioca pudding and egg custard. I would be out of my mind if I said I didn't. I just didn't slide into home place, that time.
This gal Linda was a very theatrical creature who always compared herself to the the beautiful  actress,
Anne Archer. Thought she was her. Had to hear of all her Hollywood stories. I got that big spoon out with the tapioca, for these special times. Maybe bread pudding. I definitely sat a spell for these stories.

Linda had this favorite hot spot in Universal City,  Reubens which was popular in the day.
We hung out there quite a bit with her. She was madly in love with the lead singer in this one band.
We always had to sit in the front row. I have to admit this fellow was beautiful. He was, I am quite sure
happily married. Linda was relentless. Remember, she was Anne Archer.
She would sing every song seductively, into his eyes. Yep. You got the picture. Writhing gently in her seat.  I tried to act cool. I was twenty, remember? I think she was seven or eight years older than me. Seriously, she had no shame. Amusing at the same time. The thing I really only remember about them[the band] is they sang a song called "Soul Chops. " That amuses me to this day.

I don't remember how that catchy tune goes...... but, I bet there is one gal still shaking her hips, singing it ever so seductively somewhere. Anne Archer, watch out.


  1. Dear Clare, such lovely poignant stories. I hope you will live with them a bit, revisit them, put them as 'scenes' from a movie, lit up with your compassion and love. Each character comes alive, with a little more sketching.....a complete story will emerge.
    love the way you write,

  2. HAHAHA we have to find that song somehow. "The landlord was also my sisters." hahaha I love that. You're too funny, nice trip down memory lane <3

  3. Kaite, it is a fine song indeed, definitely worth belting out.
    Thanks for going down memory lane. xo
