Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Throne

Hear ye, Hear ye, all good and fine citizens of Temple City.
Gather round as I tell a tale of times gone by.
Three lovely maidens, we'll call them Sisters One, Two and Three.
For the sake of our story, Sister One is the Eldest, Two, The Middle, and Three the youngest.
You may be wondering why these Sisters Three have no names?
As I was writing, I realized it wouldn't have mattered if these poor darlin's
had the most beautiful names. They had no more of an identity than the numbers I have assigned them for our story.

One, Two and Three lived in a world of mixed messages in their Castle. Overflowing portions of spaghetti and meatballs, roast beef, potatoes and bread would be at a Sunday Meal. In this tale, let's just call the Leader of the household the "King" for simplicity sake. The King loved to cook and eat. You might say this was his favorite Pastime. He also loved everyone to eat massive amounts of his food as he did. He took great offense if His Subjects objected.

One, Two and Three were coming into their own as young ladies. Three, on the cusp of her 14th year of life, had been invited into a Royal Initiation by the Society of Temple City Throne's .
She had never heard of such an organization, but happily passed the information on to One and Two. Now life would become so much easier especially on Sundays with the King and Queen. One, Two and Three bonded even closer from this Secret Society.

Holidays became an absolute JOY for these young ladies, as they inhaled and
delighted in all the foods the King would pile on to the table. They could go back for
seconds, thirds, fourths- they were invincible. This is when each member would pay their respects repeatedly to the Society Of The Throne. Sunday dinners and Holidays were the least of the Societies dues. The daily grind is what wore down the member, until they prayed for termination of membership. The Queen, perching her arched eyebrow, watching these young maidens merrily laughing, lost in a temporary Paradise known only to them.

Shrill words like sand paper skidded across the table, as The Queen spewed her
angry acid filled tone towards all three. "Are you girls going to vomit now," just loud enough so all eyes were now drawn to shame-filled silence.

Her words hung heavy, as the three went inside themselves, taking deep cover. The once merry maidens, now on display for The Queens temporary distraction. Any Subject would do. The burden of ruling in Her Palace wore heavily. One, Two and Three however seemed to provide greater relief for distraction. The others needed tending to. The coin of the realm.

The Queen was Famous in the land for Public Announcements. The Subjects in the Kingdom braced themselves. They never knew when and where, all just knew to be prepared.

Most of the Kingdom let it be known they would rather be Tarred and Feathered. The pain would end so much more quickly than her words. Her disappointment, her withholding of affection and warmth kept the Castle in a state of chilliness, even on the warmest of Summer Days.

Usually One, took care of The Queens duties as far as The Royal Subjects concerns. At an early age, One learned to look after Two and Three. The Queen had other Subjects in The Kingdom, but One felt more responsible and related more with Two and Three, possibly because of The Secret Society Of The Throne.

As time went on, it seemed like the girls would tire of their duties to The Throne. Serving did not hold the joys it once held as it did in times past.

The years passed and the sisters grew apart. One and Two seemed to no longer want to be a member anymore. Three would let her dues expire for longer and longer periods of time, but was still committed to being a life long member.

So many changes between the three girls, who no longer wanting or accepting the title of Subjects anymore. The names One, Two and Three no longer seemed enough.

Things made so much sense while in The Society, living in The Castle with The King and Queen. After they left the Castle, the three women realized they had and deserved value.

Three, understood being in The Society would only bring her closer to death, never life. So she let go. She wound her way back, and began to understand things that being a Three took a little more time. One and Two were doing there own calculations, and it finally dawned on all of them at different times, they were okay.

There had simply been a mistake in The Kingdom.
The King and Queen were given Magical Powers they did not know they possessed. They didn't know how to use them. It was far too strong in their hands to care for the Lovely Princesses. It seems they had not read the label for the Magical Potion they were entrusted with.

They had gotten the Potion mixed up, and thought it to be labeled simply One, Two and Three,
instead of "Princess Potion". All along One,Two and Three had always been beautiful Princesses. The King and Queen had never realized this. In The Queen's panic realizing many bottles may have been mislabeled, she feared mayhem in The Kingdom. She gathered the other Magic Elixirs together, but it was too late. The Princesses had already taken the Potion.

Princess Two, being the great observer in life, called her Sisters together. She was always reading labels and books. She didn't know why. Now she KNEW. The Elixir they had taken throughout their lives: the side effects- confusion, deep sleepy haziness. The Sisters were overjoyed with the news. And slowly they began to wake up from their deep sleep. They realized they could have any kind of Kingdom together they desired. The King and Queen still rule their Kingdom.

Never wanting another to join, the Princesses have banned The Society Of The Throne.
Elixirs are now popping up everywhere. So many flavors to try! Princesses in many Lands are now waking up. The Princesses are learning to fill their hearts with delight. The greatest side effect of the Magic Potions the princesses are taking today, the Sister Elixir. Mix together three parts willingness, two parts forgiveness, and the most important, one part love. The Princesses have reunited.
Funny isn't it, they were just given the wrong Magic Potion.
I am so happy they have the right one now. Sparkly RED shoes have been in Princess Number 3's closet collecting dust, for now what seems like an eternity.

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