Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Only Hand Washing In Sink"

Craving Frogurt, my hubby and I strolled into a new eatery in Temple City-
Home Of The Rams. My High School Alma Mater, how could we go wrong?
We looked for a place to sit with our purchase, and I looked around for a Restroom.

Ray found a couch for us to nest into, and off I went.
I found the restroom, and as I went to use the bathroom sink,, I noticed a sign above it:


The warm water ran over my hands, and I couldn't keep myself from chuckling.
The chuckling turned into an unrestrained snorkle.
I left the restroom, now full on bellowing laughter. The beast had been released.

I sat down at our table and as we enjoyed our Frogurts. I told Ray that I was disappointed at the sign I read in the restroom "Only Hand Washing In Sink".
What else are you going to wash in the sink besides hands? I told my hubby I was thinking of making a salad and washing the lettuce in the sink. Do people toss salads often in their sink?
I don't know why this became the funniest vision in the world to me.
Do people bring their children in for hair cuts and baths in the sink?

The place was new, and very odd and uncomfortable to begin with.
We were being patrolled, even though we were the only customers.
The first place we sat, the owner plopped right next to us.
Good times. My feet were kicked up and the "relax" sign on for business.

We immediately beat feet to the other side of this enormous empty Yogurteria. French Fries and Sausage were offered among other interesting options, including Calimari. Hmmm. Yogurt and Calimari. M-m-m-m-m. We were so amused as we read the Temple City News.

Now, it never fails when we drive through the lovely hamlet of T.C. that someone can be 150 and Ray asks if I went to school with them, do I know them? I just always say they are 5 years younger than me.

The special treat we can always expect rounding Rosemead Blvd. on to Las Tunas Blvd:
someone usually over the age of 80 always riding a giant three wheeler bike- and somehow it looks normal. It doesn't matter what time of day or night. Age, Race, Religion, someone is riding that three wheeler down Las Tunas. You can just count on it. Temple City is still one of those throw backs.

Most of the people I grew up with moved to Glendora or La Verne. Are they the new Temple City. I wonder if they have renegade three wheeling riders? Others moved to Pasadena and Monrovia. Getting down right crazy moving to Altadena. Is that how I ended up here? In Temple City, Altadena is considered the HOOD.

Best be careful, especially driving home late at night. When we first moved here, I was a little
frightened. Listening to one persons bullshit fear about a city they didn't even live in. Temple City was as close to all white when I grew up. The best thing, it turns out was moving to Altadena almost 20 years ago. I learned so much about life, not to mention my children learned how to get along, thrive, prosper. Religions, Beliefs, Races, differences in people that have brought us together.

How did I get here, all from that frogurt shop in good ol' T.C?
I guess going down memory lane, three wheelers and knowing there is no going home.
This is my home. To go back and chuckle, and think about that restroom sign,
I guess I have lived in my HOOD too long. The comments that I think up,
that make me laugh about what I would put in that sink from that sign.

Not because I want to destroy public property for one second, it's just the humor
of what comes to mind seeing a sign that reads "Only Hand Washing In Sink".
What do they think I was going to do?

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