Saturday, February 27, 2010


She was my neighbor and I never wanted to leave her that way. I do not abandon ship.......... especially my female friends.  I tried so hard no avail. It's time to lay down the gauntlet on yet another story from the past. Gabrielle lived next door to me when I was a newlywed..... all of eighteen years old.  My first hubby and I  became friends with her. She was like no one I had ever met.  She was newly divorced with a small child. Rules of her own. Gabby was five years older than me. Somehow I always felt older than her, like I was her mother. Her mom had ended her life  on Valentines Day when Gabby was a teen. So many other tragedies had happened in her life. She was like a vulnerable child you just wanted to love  and make better.
My marriage had  ended almost as fast as it had begun..... and Gabby and I were out on the town one night in Universal City at a bar.  I don't even know how I got in. I was only twenty years old. The Canadian Rugby Team happened to be there as well..... and we started chatting with a couple of the team members.They told us a game was coming up very soon in San Diego.....maybe we'd like to come watch. Gabby was counting the seconds. Her birthday was coming up..... so that was that. We were going to San Diego  to follow her new love interest that weekend.
We headed out in my enormous car [a 1980 gold Monte  Carlo] that for some reason I thought was cool at the time. Hmmmmmmm? We drove to Cal State San Diego or one of those Colleges .... very aimlessly to find out where the game was.... where these fellows were staying. The Student Body President happened to be there .... and was kind enough to help us look up the information.
 This was before computers or cell phones and it was getting late..... he wanted to go home, so we followed him. It seemed harmless enough. Gabs was kicked back .... already perfectly at home by the time we got there. True to his word, he looked up where the Rugby Team was. As I was looking around, I noticed a lot of naked pictures of girls on the wall. Cool. This guy seemed a little more than interesting. Gabby seemed very content. She and this fellow hit it off very quickly.  I just kind of sat there.... observing.
Comfort zone......... zero- and getting lower. About that time he asks us if we want something to drink.
Gabby is up for this party.  It's getting late, he said "Why not just spend the night and hit the trail in the morning."  Naked pictures on the wall.... Gabby drinking like a fish, what isn't adding up here with our Student Body President? I wanted to laugh, but run. Am I the only one who thinks this is freaky? These two are just getting very cozy. I am looking for the exit... just in case. Didn't see any visible cameras. Good sign.
Now..... as I am writing this, even I am snickering. Naked chicks on the wall. This guy was so strange.
No red flags going on for Gabby. I wanted to beat feet..... I finally thanked our host and we were out of there. Gabby didn't understand why we couldn't just spend the night. Sometimes there is no splainin!
It was comical. I never felt threatened as much as it was so bizarre. I guess because he was the Student Body President it  also gave me a false sense of  security. Someone probably thought Jeffrey Dahmer  was a kick too!
Off we drove in my fine steed of a ride..... backtracked to Oceanside. Our Rugby players were staying at a Motel 6..... or some fine establishment. Gabby figured out which room they were in..... probably from all the noise coming out of the loudest room.  She knocked on the door and her party began.
There must have been ten guys in the room. The one fellow that I was slightly sweet on was in the room. He came out, we said our hellos ....  he asked if we wanted to come in. I peeked my head in and saw a bunch of drunk Rugby players. Thanks but no thanks. Gabs had different thoughts. She already was a little liquored up from naked picture man's pad.  She could be a rather persistent gal,
so a decision was made. I drove over to  to Winchell's Donuts  [previous stories will tell you of my past love of donuts..... now were my saving grace], and got cozy in my ride for a long night. Gaby chose Door Number One with the greatest of glee. I truly thought she was kidding. She wasn't. I was scared all night. I was convinced someone was going to murder me. It was not the best area of town. Close to Camp didn't help the parking lot light was shining directly into my car. Add some
very interesting people walking around all hours of the night.  I had a dozen donuts.....  no traces of them could be found by the morning. Quite uncomfortable when that sun light did shine bright and those fellas filed out of the room for the big game.  I forced a fake smile. After all, it isn't every day your good friend spends the night in the room with some strange men.... and they walk past your car in the morning?  I knocked on the door.... she was sleeping in one of the beds. Hmmmmmm.
I made sure everyone was gone.... then took a shower.  I didn't even ask her what happened.... as she began to stir, what was the point?  I had this crazy notion we would have been warm and snuggly tucked in our own hotel room. It was her birthday. I ridiculously rolled with the punches.... Why, I still have no idea.

This party had just begun as got to the game. Gabby was starting the drinking fest ... I was beginning to feel like a Babysitter. It was Sunday afternoon and I was very relieved when the game  finally ended. There was an after party somewhere in the hills of San Diego.  These Canadian boys knew how to drink and were ready for a long night of knocking them back.
Even at twenty I knew I had to drive home non-intoxicated. Not that I was even legal drinking age. I was tired- had to work the next morning, was ready to leave. No Gentlemen at this party..... and I was learning I didn't know my friend very well at all.
Perhaps there was one or two other girls at this party. Cool. Really cool. I think I found out who this may have been very cool to..... as I looked over and saw a woman's top being stripped off by the owner.
You guessed it. Gabby was in her element. Both teams of Rugby Players were licking their chops.
It was horrific for many reasons.... first, my friend was taking her clothes off in front of all these drunk men. Second, she was drunk and completely out of control. Thirdly.... I tried to reel her in, and never felt so powerless in my life. the more I tried to reason with her..... the worse it got.

Fourth reason... I was with her. A lot of drunk out of control Rugby Players.  Big...Tall Rugby Players.
I was with her. The fella I knew told me we better leave now. We both tried to get her to my car.
Nothing doing. Fortunately he was protective of me...... that helped. Again, putting myself in ridiculously dangerous situations without thinking. I begged and pleaded with her to come with me.
It only made her laugh at me..... use every cuss word known to man kind. I knew it was becoming survival of the fittest the drunker everyone was getting. I am not one who would leave a female behind....ever. This fella told me I had to leave now with or without her. The party was getting very out of control.
  I made one last very heart felt plea. Deaf ears was a mild statement on what it fell on.

I didn't know where I was..... unfamiliar city.  Only had about ten dollars to get home. Gabby had all the money on her for this trip. Pretty sure sharing the wealth theory wasn't going to happen now.
I was scared and didn't know what to do.  I had too much pride to tell the Rugby Player I didn't have enough money to get home. What I did ask was him to get me to the Freeway entrance. We were so far in the hills. I have the worst sense of direction imaginable..... still do to this day. We said our goodbyes.
The thing that was the most haunting....... to this day. The last sight of her  her being loaded into a van by several men..... her shrieking with laughter.

It was a horrible choice I had to make..... I felt  so powerless. As I drove home.... exhausted, frightened....I realized I only had  a very small amount of gas in the tank. I pulled over to a gas station around one a.m. I had enough to fill it up about half a tank. I prayed all the way home it would get me there. It seemed like it was on empty about twenty minutes from home or so. I really have no idea how I made it home on such a little amount of gas..... such a large gas tank. I cried most of the way, the rest of the time jumped up and down on the seat to stay awake. I hadn't slept in awhile. I am sure I was an interesting sight. Music blaring, window down...... so I would stay awake..tears streaming... bouncing up and down. You do what ever it takes!

The next morning.... I heard a knock at my bedroom window.... than a crack. She was throwing something at it. I looked up. It was Gabrielle. She was staring down at me through the curtains.
She simply looked at me with venemous hate filled eyes, said  "F*** You."
 I never saw or heard from her again.c

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