Monday, February 8, 2010

Layer by Layer

I wrote this 5-19 09 and revised it. Wow my writing has changed, a lot of cleaning up!
This was not so long ago when I only wrote in free hand. Could barely read it. I am in a forgiveness theme if you couldn't tell! I do hope you enjoy my story> As I wrote this story, it turned into a completely different one. These were the days I never wrote about myself..... all metaphors, or so I thought. This one sounds kind of good to actually do!

The most decadent chocolate layer cake on the table, right in front of me. Taunting me. So beautifully presented, I didn't want to disturb it's artistry. So sinfully rich and moist, begging to be eaten.
I was a goner and I knew it. Where was my tall frosty mug of iced cold milk, to accompany this
treasure? The first couple of bites......I realized I had not even begun to dig into the countless layers that awaited my trembling taste buds. The joy I felt was simply intoxicating.
As I realized this cake perched before me..... was all mine. The speed of the fork in my hand increased, as I dug into the second layer of this mouth watering delight.

The ice cold milk pouring down my throat at break neck speed. Something felt slightly off.
As delicious as the second layer was it didn't compare with the first. I shrugged it off ready for layer three. Yum, another flavor...... yet I detected something slightly off, once again.
Did the baker add a tad too much baking soda, maybe a pinch of salt was off. What is this slight bitterness I am detecting? I down some water this time. Maybe that was the problem,
a combination thing. Was the milk bad? In my overwhelming lust for this bit of heaven, I probably just wasn't paying attention.
Satisfied with this possibility, and a tummy that was gurgling, yet still yearning for more.... I dug into layer four.
Much less gusto, as my fork did not pick up the pace so quickly. Another beautiful layer dipped into my
mouth. Lazily resting on my tongue for a spell. This time no hurry to dive down final
destination ..... tummy! No question, I was beginning to sputter a little. This stuff tasted bitter.

A sinking feeling set in. I began to realize, after drinking every beverage in the fridge......
this taste of sour is not coming from the cake. It is coming from me. On my taste buds.
I am sick to my stomach from all the sugar. The room is spinning. I look at my beautiful cake.
Some of the flowers of blues and greens are still visible on the top, of this now very lop sided cake. Somehow my name has managed to survive. This turns my stomach somehow even more.

I am conscious enough to look down at my fingers covered in layers of chocolate. So, these too were my fork. I now remember. I touch my face and the thick, dark, once delicious treat now feels like mud. I lean over the sink and wash the cake off. How did the sticky flower frosting get all over my hands... face, hair? As the water flows, I watch the ingredients, of this once magnificent cake, now turn into a vibrant rainbow of colors, wash down the drain.

My breath is still, just like my emotions. Wave after wave hits me, as I lay down on the kitchen floor. My head feels as though I have been in the mightiest storm, crashing now on a reef.
The sadness and hurt I have been holding inside, now knocking at my door. I am in a rip tide...... Time to answer that door.
I realize as I look over at the table, where this all began. I walk over to this once beautiful cake,
and dig in, again. Now my hands feels like paws. It takes some time to make my way. I did not realize how many layers were in this thing. I begin to rip it up. Throw it around. I am finally getting to the bottom layer. The mess I am making is so uncharacteristic of me. One who does not like to lose control. I am once again covered head to toe. I no longer care. It just so feels good.I like these new animal instincts. I realize how well they would have served me earlier on.
I am primal.... my heart feels so light.

I walk into the bathroom, turn the shower on, feel rejuvenation.... rebirth.
Everything is not perfectly lined up. How unbelivably freeing! I smear the cake and frosting all over my body like the most delightful, pampering, exotic spa treatment.
I laugh, feeling so much lighter. Layer by layer.

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