Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's Just A Lovely Ride

I am so heavily influenced by James Taylor. I am listening to "Secret Of Life"......which I
happen to think is one of the greatest songs ever written. It has affected me since I was a sophomore in high school when it came out. I think about the same time Dinosaurs were roaming. I hitched many rides on them. If you haven't heard this song, it's definitely a good one to think about. I remember sneaking into one of James Taylor's concerts when I was sixteen.
It was a school night beginning of junior year. Saundra Orlaski ...... who I had met that previous summer at Camp Maria Stella....... were both headed off to the concert together. We were Camp Counselors together. Well, not exactly.
I started out as a Counselor In Training. CIT. Than..... after training...... grueling for a lazy city girl, I became a very reluctant counselor. Not just on my part..... believe me. The staff were
reluctant to keep me on, I am quite sure. I did not take things seriously, was very zany..... to say the least!

I was such a sea sloth. So lazy and wanted nothing more but to be a camper myself! I was fifteen turning sixteen that summer. I told a little fib to become a counselor. I said I was almost seventeen. The kids in my cabin were twelve. Now do you get the joke? I was just getting out of the fifteen year old stage myself ! Now a good old remedy for any fifteen year old......
Boones Farm Wine with my friend and fellow Counselor Sherri. We would sneak out when we thought our little angels were asleep. Meet up somewhere in between our cabins.
Laying our heads down on that dirt mountain road....... and laugh and drink our Boones Farm wine. Sherri was a year or two older than me. She seemed to know the ropes a lot better about all this sophisticated drinking. I think she'd whip out her cig's. We would lay there for what seemed an eternity.......looking up at that sky. I had never known a friend like her. She got me through that summer. Our friendship didn't stand the test of time. I'm grateful for those times,
with only the stars to light the night. We would talk for hours. I miss those star filled nights.

Now Saundra was something else.... let me tell you. She was the swimming teacher..... period. She swaggered around like nothing I had ever seen. She had such attitude. She didn't take guff from anyone. I was in awe of her. She had just graduated from high school......was three years older than me. She may as well have been twenty years older.It just seemed like she was born with raw confidence and 'tude! She didn't particularly like the kids it seemed ...... but it was a summer job.
I remember she was the only one who really got paid decent money. The Camp was for
inner city kids...... so most of us volunteered. At first I wanted to go home in the worst way I can ever tell you. I wanted to be in my dirty bedroom and do as I pleased. I was not big on exercise. Hiking was the deal..... after all we were in the mountains. I always prayed I could go back on the truck with one of the fat kids that would bitch they couldn't make it up another switch back. Usually one of the nuns went back. Aha..... sure they were on to my game.

I really started coming out of my shell at Camp. Humor...... practical jokes. I was terribly
irresponsible. Oh the thought of me in charge of someones child. Down right frightening.
I was a child. A child who wanted to play. One who had very stinky tennis shoes. For some reason I never wore socks. People would come in my cabin and really want to faint.
I am not exaggerating. It was that bad. Like I said..... I was a swine. Somehow those kids still liked me. I hope I didn't traumatize them too much.

When summer finally ended I cried so hard. I missed that place and all the people I had bonded with. It really changed me. It was an all Girl Camp...... so it was really just fun and carefree. Swine dome was actually okay. We all were....... what we were. That was the summer Elvis died. I was in the pool at Camp and there was a thunder storm. It was raining. I was not an Elvis Presley fan. I was just turning sixteen yet I saw how it affected people. It was a very eery feeling with that thunder storm in the pool. I still remember it. Funny the things you remember.

Saundra was really quite something. I haven't thought of her in years. Anne, my sister and I
were both counselors the same year. The year before, she and my other sister Mary had been counselors. We are definitely all in the family when we do things. If memory serves me.....
my mom wanted Anne and me to go to Camp this particular year because of our car antics.
I wrote previous stories..... but we were mini hoodlums that took the family wagon for joy rides without drivers licenses. Hmmmmmm. dem were the days! So innocent compared to now.

I think I remember "The Secret Of Life" so much..... in such a tender way, because of Julie.
She was the Nature Counselor for lack of better title. Julie had just graduated from high school too, as many of the other girls. She was so natural, peaceful..... funny.
After all these years I still see her face so clearly. She would bring her guitar...... sit around the campfire...... sing and play. She loved James Taylor as well. That's how I knew about the song, "The SecretOf Life." Julie was driving to college up north that in a car accident on the freeway. She didn't make it. I'll never forget Julie. I am sure all who met her were touched by her simple beauty and love. She was quite unforgettable.

This is a very long road..... from driving to that James Taylor concert.... that I was not supposed to go to with Saundra Orlaski. My very first concert of his ever. The best. Worth every ounce of trouble I got in! "Secret Of Life" is playing right now. "Try not to try too hard..... it's just a lovely ride".......
oh James...... you know how to say it just right.


  1. So proud of you and the awesome work.. So cool to see and read these blogs... Great job, keep up the fab job!!!

  2. Thanks Gigi.... means a lot to me. Couldn't have done it without a lot of love surrounding me..... believing in me..... when I didn't.

  3. Hi Clare-

    A tidbit about James Taylor for ya. First, great post. Now, some years back, when my husband was 16 he lived with James Taylor out on Martha's VineYard. My husband is an accomplished singer-songwriter, pianist, guitarist, lyricist and producer. Anyway, he shared a sone he had written with James. He wrote it when he was 15 and in a juvenile detention center - he ran away after he got out and met up with James - he even got arrested with James Taylor for possession of marijuana - so, he shared a song he wrote while in the detention center titled "FIRE AND RAIN"........ yes, my husband wrote "FIRE AND RAIN" and James Taylor stole it. And 'Susan', not 'Suzanne' was my husbands close friend while in the detention center and one morning she was gone - so be the song!!! thought you might find this interesting. And when my husband performs out and he sings his song he starts by saying, "An OLD "X" friend of mine recorded this one".....

    Love you
