Sunday, February 14, 2010

What Is A Mom?

Albert Brooks is one of the most underrated actors, in my opinion. In the movie "Mom,"
which he wrote and co-starred in with Debbie Reynolds, he moves home as a middle aged
man, trying to figure out where his life has gone awry. At first his mother, Debbie Reynolds, is completely clueless why he wants to do this....... but by the end of the movie, she changes as much as he does. I have seen this movie more times than I can count. I am a big fan of the subtleties of life that Albert Brooks takes us through. The dry humor, that is so real it is almost nauseating for those of us who have lived certain oddities! The pain that we see, unfiltered,
raw...... through his sometimes brash and rusty armor he has taken off, laid aside...... let us in.

I understand him so much, his quest...... Why? I have been on that non stop quest to try to make sense of where I come from. Why I behave the way I do. I, too have tried to go back, short of
moving in with the folks again, to find out why? It has unfortunately not brought the wonderful resolution as in the ending of the movie that Albert Brooks experienced.

I once again visited home, as many other times before. Her home is within twenty minutes of where I live.
My tolerance for things in life has increased the older I have gotten, but deceased with my Mom.
I have tried in every conceivable way to rectify this situation. Endless stories I have written about this woman. The problem for me is and always be..... the name. The words MOM attached to her's. So confusing, such a contradiction. Sheer pain. I have walked away so many times,
only to come back to try again..... she's my mom. This weekend, the after affects hit hard, once again.... from seeing her.
It had me come to some deeper realizations about the affects this woman leaves on my soul.

It is not that I don't realize that she has always informed anyone within ear shot my business.
From the tender age of twenty, people that were near strangers would come up to me and state:
Your mother tells me you are getting a divorce..... you left your husband, why? It went on and on through the years. Nothing was off limits... whatever suited her fancy.
When I tried to explain why I couldn't be around her, needed to take a break but loved her, she would tell people I was in a Cult. As the years went on, went through a deep depression and learned I was Bipolar, she would announce it to anyone and everyone my most private details. These were things I hadn't told anyone, yet I wasn't allowed the dignity of sharing
in my own time. My friends I hadn't seen in years knew, because of her lack of boundaries. I didn't even have a chance to get comfortable with myself first.

She would announce anything, usually what she perceived negative. Get it off of her..... point the finger wherever she can. Never the positive. A couple of days ago, she started
in again. It always takes me a little while to process the level of betrayal. I was sending out my writings to some Publishers wasn't that I just started shaking and cracking from general
nerves. It was the undermining that I realized I allowed myself to still be part of. During the night I felt like an earth quake hit me....... and I was shaking, being ripped apart. I was shaken to my foundation. I realized, how can I allow this anymore? I know what love is. I certainly was not shown it. Have worked my whole life to find it, be a part of it, know it, and hopefully in some very small way....... try to spread it.

This anger, rage, bullying, unkindness, backstabbing....... and then throw Religion into it. All in the name of God. I am going to burn in Hell so she tells me. For simply living life according to me, finally. She will pray for my soul. I burst. I have tried. So hard. Ridiculously. Each time I have come back, trying with love. My heart is broken. It needs to heal.
I have no more to give to an unhappy woman who will not look within. I have wanted nothing more, than to be able to be with her in her final years. My soul is crying. It is scorched and on fire.
I need to now put a salve on it and heal. Really heal. There is nothing more I can do, and that is the greatest conflict I have..... pain. What I do realize. I cannot subject myself to this unhappy, angry woman's tirades and wrath anymore. I cannot afford to. I crumble and break. She gives it no much as an afterthought. Mine or anyone else's devastation. She chooses to shut it all off...... point fingers at.......the nearest and dearest. Those who show her kindness.

My heart hurts. It is Valentines Day. I am surrounded by love in my home. I am typing on the new laptop my Raymond gave me for Valentines Day. I cried and cried because I felt so unworthy. What I need to do is wrap myself even tighter in it..... the warmest, plushest blanket made of purple velvet. It is her world...... the cold, dark anger. I do not accept the
residue from my mother's poison. Inappropriate, thoughtless public discussions about her daughter. Unkind words.
They have seared me. Made me slow to trust that I am loved ....... I am enough just as I am.
I am learning. All I have are my words, my truth. This is my heart. I am who I am.
This is all we really have anyway..... when we cut to the chase. Our hearts. What do we really want to say? We can dance around..... or we can get to the heart.
I choose the second one. No matter the consequences, that's all that really matters.


  1. Dear Clare
    your words ring so true. And touch me deeply. I have a mother that is difficult too. For years I limited contact. I still do. I am learning to mother myself. Sometimes rubbing rose oil on the belly and heart chakra is soothing. There are homeopathic remedies for mother grief. You will find ways to be kind to yourself, and to grieve the loss of the mother you needed, who could not support you in the way you need. I hope you can find a mothering mentor, too. I'm in a women's circle and that helps. Dear motherless children, we are aching for love. I feel your ache. It resonates. I can see it and hear it and feel it.
    sweet Clare, find some lullabies and play them when you go to sleep, rock yourself in your arms.
    happy Monday,

  2. Hi Clare-

    I "met" you over at Rosemarie's blog - "thank you" for your kind words about me comment on her "YES" post! :-)
    I am so sorry to hear of your struggle with your relationship with your Mom. I cannot even imagine. You have much to grieve as much has bveen lost or actually never been. THere are perceived notions of what a Mom should be and yours fell horribly short allow yourself to grieve the loss - you have every right. And again, I am so sorry. Please come visit me when you get a moment.

    Love Gail

  3. Thanks Gail....... your words mean alot. Especially you taking the time to come over and not only read this.... but write and have loving, kind words. I am grateful.

  4. Hi again-
    I am honored to be here and be so well received. "thank you Clare" And, if I may suggest - if you read a post of mine dated 9/4/08 and titled "James-Daniel-Jill" you will better understand from where my healing journey began. Keep on embracing your truth and know that freedom follows.

    Love Gail

  5. I love this, you definitely relate to a lot of people :) . I will give Albert Brooks a call and he can be your new mom.

  6. Thanks Gail..... I will, I read alot of your blogs .... they are fantastic and painful.... Clare

  7. Katie..... you are so funny..... I think good old Albert and I had the same mom probably! We could be each others Nana's! I love you honey. You are priceless. I am your mom forever..... that is an honor.

  8. OK - from the suggestions posted above: I submit my qualifications to be a "mothering/sister mentor" and offer you a perfect lullaby... all from having negotiated a most similar trip this lifetime present - yes, you can trade in your ticket and book an entirely different passage... you are loved dearest Clare.

  9. I accept that ticket.... willingly, gladly and am ready! Your qualifications are superior Rosie..... many of us could do well with such a successful role model. I feel so hopeful and happy having you leading the way..... many thanks!
