Sunday, May 2, 2010


What I look forward to everyday. More and more exposure to life. Truth. Being Real.
My patience has grown thin, in the healthiest way possible. The snakeskin has peeled off.
I am finally basking in me, for better or worse. I accept me with all  the sides I bring to the party.
This is just a part of life I now accept.  I spent so much of my existence ~ and yes, I do mean
existence. That was my life when I wanted approval above all else. I didn't live, breathe, feel joy.
I simply lay in wait for the next person to come along and tell me my worth. I should have just had a scanner made, like the ones at Target. I once tried to see  if the price would scan  me. That amused me to no end. What would my worth have been that day? Oh, such variables. Was my weight up or down?
Had I washed my hair that morning, or was it sportin' the greased look?  Had someone said something unkind..... or had I?  Maybe I should have just done the points system. Deducting ten, as we went along.
 Someone cut me off in traffic. They  must have done it on purpose [you guessed it gals, raging PMS.]

It seems comical when you step back, the things that can set us off like time bombs.  Things I have taken so personally. Someone not responding to an email.They must hate me! Couldn't be they have a life~ are busy. Or what if...... they just plain ass don't feel like it. Then here is the major doozie. What if they don't like me? I don't like everyone. I don't always feel like chatting. I am two speeds. Always have been. On and off. Never been particularly good at middle ground. I am a true Leo. When I am on~I am on. When I am not, I want to hibernate in a cave. I've used it all up~ nothing left but the fumes.
I am only learning in my forties that my battery needs some serious recharging. It always did.
I just kept going. I  would get so wiped out, I just never listened to my body. So serious illness came
a knockin. That got my attention in spurts. If I could still drag my ass out of bed, I did. "I know,"
my body said," let's keep piling one illness after another, she'll get the picture." Well, I am a little hard headed. If I could crawl..........

It's been a long road. I like the things I have now woken up to.  Do I wish I was less hard headed? Yes.
But then,  that wouldn't be me. I have to explore every avenue.  I have been told the process is quite painful to watch at times. I'm sure if I watched someone, I would want to say,
"But there's the front door, do you have to dig under the house, again?"
I think it's about learning to trust myself. No matter what it takes. Exposing myself. I no longer
care what that means to people.Telling the truth. Showing who I am. My dark side, that is not the most attractive. My vulnerable child, so trusting. So many sides, like everyone. I am rather enjoying the taking no crap side, standing up for myself. Now  that one has come very late in life. Very hard earned. Had to tussle many decades with good girl to get in there! She wasn't having it. Disapproval and all.  What a feeling to ask for what I need.  Calmly, not in a demanding way. That is much different. Empowering.
Not barking and biting. Stating with conviction. Feels good. Even using the word, "EXPOSED,"
conjours up so many images to  people. To me, it is simple. I am exposing myself to life.
This is me. As is. I like it. Feels good. I am where I want to be in this moment, that's enough for tonight.



    BRAVO!!!! Excellent post about surrender, hope, life, truth and courage and so much more. I feel intimately, your positive energy and relief.

    I fought for so long to deny my truths to void out me. Believing that was the only way I could survive. Hah!! Once exposed and vulnerable and surrendered into myself I began to live in ways I never knew were even possible, and so it goes. Hallelujah!!!

    Love you

  2. I love this- it is the real you, the you that I know, the glorious you
    that the world is getting to know.
    I scan myself at checkout daily, and my worth goes up like a rocket sometimes and plummets like a stone other times, yet I am the one
    setting the value.
    Thanks for your insight-I Love you,

  3. Thank you dear sweet Gail. I am sitting here thinking what
    a long road this has been to get to me. I started my first group therapy ever when I was 18. Even at 14 was interested in things >
    I didn't understand. My music always led the way. The words.... not understanding as a very young girl. There was always a pull, a yearning. My release has come in so many ways, throughout the years. Perhaps it is being able to put it into words now.

    I now appreciate some of those steps I long took for granted!
    They were the best. This is just the obvious part of healing, I recognize. The real stuff in the dark. Love you Gail. Clare

  4. Hi honey, you are right, it is the real me. Being comfy in my own skin to say how I really feel. I am so comfortable to poke fun where it is humorous..... cry when it hurts, etc. It is what it is. True feelings.
    Owning them is the only way I have been able to be perched proudly where I am! Knew you'd love the "Target" metaphor! I sure did!!!!
    I love you, your bride.

  5. HI CLARE_

    Oh yes, I SO understand. THere is no defining moment but rather over time there is an emerging, coming in to the light. I had no yearning for many years to 'KNOW', in fact, what I knew I buried. And what I did not know I believed was best left in the dark. Where, like you said, is where the real stuff is. Wow. Not that 'Annie' is free (the kid in me) we, she, and I are empowered to be real - to live in light and not be afraid in the darkness.

    It is only because we are free and real and true that we found one another - otherwise you and I would be unrecognizable.

    Love to you

  6. oops TYPO

    the line in my last reply that reads "Not that Annie is free....." should have been "Now that Annie is free......"


  7. Beautiful people who know the meaning of SELF and in the ultimate embrace of LIFE ...

    Listening to
    Inner voice of

    Much much love to you Clare and to those who know your glory,

    Rose Marie

  8. Rosie, thank you for the wonderful wishes to me,
    and finally embracing myself. Sure helps surrounded by so much love. xo
