Monday, January 25, 2010

My Blossoming Heart

How I held on so tight with the greatest fear. Horrified to let go...... just one more minute,
please. It would have been impossible for me to understand what I was bidding farewell to.
That only tightened my grip. Sobs ripped through my body at the thought of having to
release you. I knew in this form we were no good for each other. Control, manipulation,
fear...... ignorance. We had known each other our lifetimes, we knew it was time.

I breathed in one more deep, mournful breath. It was time to cut the cord. End all the pain we had caused one another. I closed my eyes and let those above me lead. The tears flowed.....
as I finally felt your pain. My chest hurt, knowing, feeling the anguish I had been a part of.
Blaming you for so long, not understanding or caring or listening. Those sad eyes told a story
of their own. I looked the other way. Your broken heart, crying desert sand. I did not recognize these tears, so foreign to me.

Only in the silence and absolution..... bowing my head, the shame came. Knowing I still
wanted to hurt your heart.... only moments before. I let my heart feel it finally, your sadness
and fear. I didn't know. I couldn't understand your wound that I kept poking. I am sorry with my heart, my soul. Forgive me one day if you will. I am better for knowing you. I grew as a child, into who I am today having your love. We tussled and tugged at each others hearts,
and delighted in one another's laughter. You taught me how to stand tall, even when it hurt.

Forgive me for not loving you how you needed it. If I could take back walking away......
and leaving you as I did, I would. I was so selfish in my youth.
I did not know what love was or how to love. I only knew how to run and follow the razzle dazzle.

My heart blossomed the moment I felt your pain.


  1. Thanks Rose Marie, I appreciate that so much. that is all we can ever ask... to be heard, forgiven, loved.
