Saturday, January 9, 2010

She Slept Here

The peeling green shed door lightly closed behind me, as I walked into the cold winter air.
This door opened to it's own room attached to the garage. The kids had made it into a music, "hang out with their friends" place. The rain was really starting to fall, as I made the short jaunt back into our house.

It was getting later into the evening, and it seemed about that time to wrap it up.
My favorite place ever was sitting in front of the fireplace in the living room.
Listening to the crackling fire, and smelling that mountainy wood scent, as it danced up the chimney. Nothing comes close to it, especially being safe and warm, as the rain tapped on the windows.

Matt and Katie came in the back door, with a friend and her young brother flying behind.
It must have been around 7 or 8 pm by now on a cold rainy winter night.
I didn't recognize these little faces. It was typical having kids over, but this crew was
different. Matt was around 12 at the time, as was his friend. Her little brother seemed,
if memory serves me, to have been maybe 7 or so, if that. He seemed pretty young. Katie was about 8.
The young girl asked if she could spend the night. It just caught me off guard temporarily. Many a child had laid their head on a pillow in our home, it wasn't a problem. I just had no idea who this girl was until this moment . Her very-wet-from-the-rain little brother had the same wish as his sister. Haunting eyes that made it very hard for us to say no. So much sadness in them.

I was mystified. Not nearly as mystified, as when they called their mother to ask if they could stay in a complete strangers home. With little bro in tow- mom says no problem. It's pouring rain,
and these two adorable faces, along with my little darlin's are looking up at me begging please, please. That was all it took. So out comes the pull out couch in the living room. Warm jammies and hot cocoa with plenty of snacks all around. Watching them all laughing, sitting round that glowing fire. I can still see these four kids all under the covers everywhere. Sleeping bags, blankets some on the couch, others on the ground. All safe and toasty on this cold winters night.

If I knew what I now know today, about that snap shot I would need to keep for an eternity. A sacred moment with a weary young girl wanting nothing more than to feel safe, even for a moment.

This brother and sister duo were so grateful for the simplest of things. Especially the hot cocoa and being tucked in. I had no idea her circumstances. I just knew her mother didn't blink twice at the thought of
her two precious angels staying with complete strangers over night. It hurt me seeing so much pain in these two innocents, wanting what is everyone's birthright. To know they are loved and to feel safe and protected. They were so grateful I felt humbled. Morning came,
and I dropped them off at their house, so they could change before going to school.
I didn't see or hear from them again, but thought about these two kids on occasion. They lived around the corner from our house. My heart hurt whenever we drove by their house.

A few years had passed, and I can honestly say I don't remember what my son said.
There had been a fire in her home and his friend had been in her bedroom. She did not make it out.
We drove and walked by the house many times, I remember that very well. Matt was no more than
14 or 15, katie 10 or 11. The sight of this burned down house, the house that this young girl
once lived in was a constant reminder for a long time. This same young girl who spent one cold, rainy winter night in our home not so long before.

As I was driving home last night, for some reason I remembered this little angel again.
She has been gone at least 10 years now. I don't know why she flashed so strongly in my brain.
Maybe she just deserved for someone to pay tribute to all the cold, rainy nights that
she felt so alone. I know she's dancing on Angels Wings.

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