Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Makes Me Laugh

Trying not to laugh always makes me laugh, without a doubt. Playing the laughing game with my family..... making faces and sounds, where you can't make a peep. That's when I lose it and roar.
Why is that funny. Sitting in a very quiet place , thinking of things I am not supposed to be thinking of..... I am hysterical. When I was young sitting in church, I had this odd fascination with shoulders. There was nothing else to do, so I would just stare at all the different backs and shoulders sitting, standing in front of me. Suits, dresses, too tight blouses bursting with sausage like flesh erupting into those shoulders. I don't know why this fascinated me.

Millicent Friendly and Mr. Green sitting in front of me, oh so proper. I always wondered what happened when they got home out of their Sunday finery....... and Millicent got the lime green jello out, Mr. Green put on his retiring robe. It is so ridiculous, but I would be so bored in church I would play these little games with myself. It all centered around their shoulders.
Their entire lives, and the lives of their children. Broad shoulders, sloping shoulders....
you name it. I am laughing now thinking what little it takes to amuse me. I realize I have part simpleton gene, but I am kinda diggin it now. The never getting past 7th grade humor has served me well in times of true boredom.

I can laugh when I think of stories of old in my mind over and over again.... replayed.
Childhood hijinx..... those were the best that I really belly laugh over. Inappropriate
laughter to this day makes me laugh the most. I agree, very immature, but it still gets me.
Not the kind at someone else's expense, just where you cannot control your emotions,
you know you are going to burst....... like I said, in a very quiet serious room.
But it's not serious for any reason, it just is. That's what makes it funnier, you have no idea why you are whispering in reverence in some weird room that is used normally for xerox machines.
Bathrooms are absolutely hysterical. Now if I had it my way, I would have a full blown Orchestra in every Public Restroom. Trying to act cool, and not make a sound, that is what is the funniest thing to me. According to sources...... being male, those rules don't matter.
What happens in Public Restrooms .... just happens. Not the same rules for the female species. Oh no, we try to act cool. That lightning and thunder out of the 3rd stall did not happen.
If we are lucky enough to be with a friend who gets the joke....... we look at each other and it begins. First a snicker, and it is over. We beat feet out of that bathroom sooooo fast to the
sounds of "What the hell was that?"

These things that are only human nature..... which we desperately try to cover up and pretend
aren't happening. I think that's why they make me laugh so hard. Having been a waitress in my early years, that really gave me an eyeful of pretending things aren't real! Or.... what made me laugh what was all too real. One time I had just taken an order from a table, and had to use the restroom. As I was doing my business, I hear,"And my mama wants an orange juice with....blah, blah, blah, too." All the while this young girls head is staring at me upside down.... underneath the bathroom stall. That was funny, not at the time, but it was one of those things in life that is so incredulous..... how could that have just happened?

Hmmm.... I sense a bathroom humor theme here. Probably because we are not supposed to talk about such things. The word such things makes me laugh! I guess I love to pick a part
words, thoughts, things. Remember, I was amused beyond imagination by peoples shoulders.
I still am. Things that make me laugh....... My family, watching their crinkly smiles turn into full blown 4th of July rockets of joy when something delights them. My friends telling stories they know are gonna get me every time, and then some. Ironies of life......
Doing something just a little sneaky like an innocent child...... a little Dennis The Mennacy,
and watching peoples reactions! The way my hubby words things, the way I try to word things correctly and it comes out the opposite. Really dry humor..... and of course, always 7th grade humor. That gets me every time.


  1. You are the inner child, You are that inner child grown, You are that inner child ever remembering, embracing, discovering, initiating. That inner child is life, she is spirit, she is the knowing that is to be known without the imposed judgments, without the imposed constraints, with out the imposed limitation of spirit. She longs for liberation and shared joy. She awaits and is ever present. I know for she has told me so...

  2. My Rosie, it was hard for me to break free, and just write like a child. Thanks, I really appreciated that one, truly. I love to play..... but to let loose and let others really see it..... hmmmmm
